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Shit/pissed in dually. Guy is mad. WUT DO?


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Long story short, a friend of my wife and I got dumped by her boyfriend. He kicked her out. So she asked us to help her move all her stuff out of his place. While we were there we noticed his Dually Cummins. We wanted to exact revenge on him for breaking up with our friend so we took a shit and pissed all over the seat. Then we proceeded to rip the headliner down and wipe our asses with it. I guess the next day the ex boyfriend finds out about it this and gets pissed as all get out. So the question is, "What do I do?" I don't wanna get in trouble over this but I doubt the ex boyfriend will do anythying because he's a pussy so he'll prolly suck it up and clean up our shit.

I wish I had pictures to prove it, because people didn't believe we did it at first.



-Our friend and boyfriend got into fight

-We shit and pissed in ex boyfriends truck out of revenge

-How are they going to retaliate?

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(Long read)

So I got yucky on the weekend and ending up at some random sloots house. I can't remember chit but I woke in a strange room that I'd never been in. Most sloots rooms I've been in have been somewhat messy but easily recognizable as a girls bedroom. Anyway, I only say that because this room was neutral in colour and had one picture of some guy (who looked like he was on that phaggy time). It was also very tidy and I couldn't see any clothes out of the drawers.


So I'm panicking a little, I can't remember chit and I think I've been raped by some phaggot. I couldn't find my clothes anywhere either so I figured I borrow some of this phags clothing. Turns out the drawers were full of girl's clothes so my mind was a little at ease, but I still had no clothes.


Anyway, It was like 1:25pm and I'm not sure what to do. I had no clothes about so I figured I'd just wrap some bed sheets around my body and wear some panties from her drawer because I don't want anyone to see little jimmy. I looked out of her window and recognised the street we were on and I only live like 5 minutes away. Not a problem.


So about the chit I took. I kinda needed to go anyway and I looked in the hallway and I was in student halls. They have a shared bathroom for each block and you need a code to get in. I didn't have it. I figured I could get this bish back but taking a fat dump on her bed and then fleeing like the Israelites from Ancient Egypt. So I start, right in the middle of her bed. I'm almost finished and boom, door opens and there this pretty cute girl is standing with my clothes in hand ironed and cleaned. U FUKING WOT M8.


She was a 7.5 misc standards, not hot but cute/innocent look. She was well dressed and groomed, looked like wife material. We locked eyes and then she noticed what I was doing. So I did the only reasonable thing left to do and acted like I was mentally challenged, screaming and chit. I'm not going to elaborate on this but you get the picture. I quickly grabbed my clothes out of her hand and fled. As I was running I slipped and left a fat skid mark on the hallway carpet.





- Got yucky and woke up in random room

- Can't find clothes anywhere.

- Needed a chit, student hall require password for toilets, u wot.

- Decided to take chit on bed as revenge for bish taking clothes.

- chitting on bed

- As i'm chitting 7.5/10 cute girl walks in with clothes in hand. would wife/10

- Act like a mentally challenged person, grab clothes out of her hand

- flee the premisis

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(Long read)

So I got yucky on the weekend and ending up at some random sloots house. I can't remember chit but I woke in a strange room that I'd never been in. Most sloots rooms I've been in have been somewhat messy but easily recognizable as a girls bedroom. Anyway, I only say that because this room was neutral in colour and had one picture of some guy (who looked like he was on that phaggy time). It was also very tidy and I couldn't see any clothes out of the drawers.


So I'm panicking a little, I can't remember chit and I think I've been raped by some phaggot. I couldn't find my clothes anywhere either so I figured I borrow some of this phags clothing. Turns out the drawers were full of girl's clothes so my mind was a little at ease, but I still had no clothes.


Anyway, It was like 1:25pm and I'm not sure what to do. I had no clothes about so I figured I'd just wrap some bed sheets around my body and wear some panties from her drawer because I don't want anyone to see little jimmy. I looked out of her window and recognised the street we were on and I only live like 5 minutes away. Not a problem.


So about the chit I took. I kinda needed to go anyway and I looked in the hallway and I was in student halls. They have a shared bathroom for each block and you need a code to get in. I didn't have it. I figured I could get this bish back but taking a fat dump on her bed and then fleeing like the Israelites from Ancient Egypt. So I start, right in the middle of her bed. I'm almost finished and boom, door opens and there this pretty cute girl is standing with my clothes in hand ironed and cleaned. U FUKING WOT M8.


She was a 7.5 misc standards, not hot but cute/innocent look. She was well dressed and groomed, looked like wife material. We locked eyes and then she noticed what I was doing. So I did the only reasonable thing left to do and acted like I was mentally challenged, screaming and chit. I'm not going to elaborate on this but you get the picture. I quickly grabbed my clothes out of her hand and fled. As I was running I slipped and left a fat skid mark on the hallway carpet.





- Got yucky and woke up in random room

- Can't find clothes anywhere.

- Needed a chit, student hall require password for toilets, u wot.

- Decided to take chit on bed as revenge for bish taking clothes.

- chitting on bed

- As i'm chitting 7.5/10 cute girl walks in with clothes in hand. would wife/10

- Act like a mentally challenged person, grab clothes out of her hand

- flee the premisis



Possibly my favorite copy/pasta.

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guys, you'll never believe what just happened no less than 15 minutes ago. so my sister and her boyfriend came home while i was watching tv and they went into the kitchen to get some drinks. while in the kitchen they were doing their whole lovey dovey thing and kissing and playing grab-ass and what not, and it was unappealing to me, so i went up to my room. a few minutes later, i heard them enter into my sister's room and then some rustling occured. i thought nothing of it, they were probably just making out again on her bed. then i heard her scream and i got worried so i ran over to her room, and opened the door, got on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!
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When I was 12 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Cleveland and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess? And we started playing truth or dare, which turned into ‘you show me yours, I’ll show you mine". So anyway there I Was, 12 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up. so What did I do, you ask? I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said “fresh” and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!” I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie “yo homes smell ya later!” Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.
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guys, you'll never believe what just happened no less than 15 minutes ago. so my sister and her boyfriend came home while i was watching tv and they went into the kitchen to get some drinks. while in the kitchen they were doing their whole lovey dovey thing and kissing and playing grab-ass and what not, and it was unappealing to me, so i went up to my room. a few minutes later, i heard them enter into my sister's room and then some rustling occured. i thought nothing of it, they were probably just making out again on her bed. then i heard her scream and i got worried so i ran over to her room, and opened the door, got on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!

God damnit

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