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Anyone watch Doomsday Preppers?


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Bunch of nuts taking shit too far. I understand being prepared for a disaster or some shit like that, but these guys are tards with weapons. Have a small stash of food/water and a bug out bag sure, but thats about it.
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I've watched the old episodes, some of them are straight up crazy people, some are people with some good ideas.


i remember seeing the guy in LA who only eats weeds and stuff found along the aquaducts. Talk about an important skill, but dude, you took it way too far.

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I watch it regularly. Guy on last nights show had the best serious so far. Spent $10mil on everything. 700 acre property, food storage for years, well that can generate 11,000gal/hr and 2,000gal concrete reserve tank, tons of weapons and ammo. Sweet setup but I agree these people take it kinda far.
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Watched a few. It's tv, they have to show the extream side to have the ratings and keep the show on. If they interveiwed someone whos approach was to have some shit and hope for the best, no one would watch. Even though that might just be the best plan, there are so many variables.


Half the people watching that show are just sitting there saying, "my shit is way better set up than these clowns".

Edited by Mojoe
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I will watch the show when nothing else is on. While I agree most of the people on those shows are on the extreme side of things, I do like some of their suggestions and ideas. I won't say I am a prepper like the people on the show, but I like to be a little prepared if there is a rainy day.
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