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Who is/was EOD on here?


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I am going back active and there is a call for 89D's and I was thinking of throwing in my packet to go EOD. Have an Infantry background AD and Human Resources as a Reservist. The physical part doesn't worry me it's the book stuff. I heard there is a wash rate of 50% currently. Advice/information would be greatly appreciated!
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You half way worth a shit in math? Ever set any charges, or played with demo? Your memory somewhat photogenic? If you can answer yes, I don't see you having a problem.


You may have to do CEHC, CEH-S at Ft.Leonard Wood, but most of the Army's EOD is at Eglin AFB after Redstone Arsenal in Alabama (10-weeks).


If you do good on written tests and go/no-go stations, you should do ok. You don't need to be a fucking genius, but if you're a sub 50 ASVAB, go be a 12B. ( You can land some amazing schools at Ft.Leonard Wood and Ft.Lee like master breacher course etc...) If I had the chance again, I would've re-up'd and gone EOD like I wanted to. Job security is always there, and deployments ain't big Army long.

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You half way worth a shit in math? Ever set any charges, or played with demo? Your memory somewhat photogenic? If you can answer yes, I don't see you having a problem.


You may have to do CEHC, CEH-S at Ft.Leonard Wood, but most of the Army's EOD is at Eglin AFB after Redstone Arsenal in Alabama (10-weeks).


If you do good on written tests and go/no-go stations, you should do ok. You don't need to be a fucking genius, but if you're a sub 50 ASVAB, go be a 12B. ( You can land some amazing schools at Ft.Leonard Wood and Ft.Lee like master breacher course etc...) If I had the chance again, I would've re-up'd and gone EOD like I wanted to. Job security is always there, and deployments ain't big Army long.


Yeah I can do all that stuff no issues. From what I read it is 9 weeks at Fort Lee, VA for Phase I then down to Eglin AFB for 29 weeks. I hope to get the opportunity to hit more Army schools. I scored in the 80's ASVAB wise back in 06' so I think I should be solid. That was straight out of HS and have had the opportunity to have taken a few college maths classes since. Definitely looking forward to the new experience.

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Eod is the most respected job you can have in the military regardless of branch.. No one gives them shit.. I got mad props for you. We had more Eod casualties in 1 deployment than the rest of my marine regiment over the time I served on active duty.. It's not for the faint of heart and is the hardest job (mentally) the military has to offer.. A lot of the guys I knew became heavy alcoholics after a deployment. I wouldn't do it from my personal experiences
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What is EOD and Someone eexplain that picture to me.


Obviously Its an Explosives catagory of some sort.


Explosive ordinance disposal.. While the infantry,engineers,motor t, whom ever is out playing I.e.d roulette and that 30- 40% chance we find an I.e.d (improvise explosive device) these guys come out round the i.e.d's up and blow them up for us so we can continue doing our jobs.... That's Eod in a nut shell. Easier said then done... The picture looks like from that army

Movie heartlocker.. A Hollywood version of Eod but gives you an idea.. A guy realing in like 6 155rounds.. 1 155 round could level a house or turn a humvi into a thousand different parts... These guys don't get hurt often.. It's either you get it done or pink mist

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Grandpa did 21 years USAF EOD raising 5 kids and keeping a healthy marriage. He often said if it wasn't for his military service and retirement he doesn't know what he would've done or how he would've made it.


Too many stories to tell here but he was either one of the lucky ones or just so effin' intelligent he kept from getting asploded. His medals and newpaper clippings we found only after he passed (he never displayed them or bragged about his service) gave more proof that my grandpa was more of a bamf than I'll ever be.

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