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Crossfit Grandview


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  Johnny Bravo said:
So did I. So, please tell me I'm doing something wrong by incorporating crossfit-type training into traditional bodybuilding training.


You'd think someone like you - who is obviously not a novice when it comes to fitness - would support the notion that doing different physical activities is a great way of "shocking" the system and breaking through a plateau.


Its not necessarily "shocking" anything. Crossfit will not make you a) stronger or b) bigger without some "help" therefore it really has nothing to offer other than endurance.


However as said before if its what gets you off the couch and working out then im all for it. Its different, it offers a new workout each time you step in the gym and it takes no thought as you typically have a coach. So for the person who has no drive to invest any time into themselves and just wants to show up somewhere and be taken through a workout with a bunch of other people while practicing terrible form then by all means.... go for it.


You will never be able to change a power lifters out look on the idea of crossfit. We have 2 totally different philosophies on how a workout should progress. We're constantly watching our form during a lift as its what is looked at during a meet. So throwing weights around in any fashion is unbelievable in our minds. Crossfit takes maximal effort and explosive exercises, lowers the weight in order to perform 10-15-20 reps as fast as possible. At this point the exercise is no longer offering the benefits it was created to do.

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  2pointslow said:
Its different, it offers a new workout each time you step in the gym and it takes no thought as you typically have a coach. So for the person who has no drive to invest any time into themselves and just wants to show up somewhere and be taken through a workout with a bunch of other people while practicing terrible form then by all means.... go for it.


...sounds like my morning today...





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  Johnny Bravo said:
No, he thinks that if someone even mentions that they have done crossfit, thought about doing crossfit, knows someone who does crossfit, or looked at a poster of somewho who looks like they may be doing crossfit is automatically:


(a) a Crossfit (capital "C") cultist

(b) homosexual

© vegan

(d) a supporter of Obamacare and PETA

(e) drives a Subaru

(f) has never done any exercise to isolate and build a particular body part, like a bicep


Building muscle through isolation instead of compounds...please tell me more

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  Paul said:
holy flippen win^^^


wait brian are you sweaty, or just got out of the shower?


Just got done doing my weekend rehab... thats man juice. Hopefull that helps lower your fap difficulty.


(strategically hiding my pooch from having leg surgury and being on bed rest around thanksgiving)

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I completely agree with the fanboy cross-fit mentality most always associated with people that do it. I get it they feel good and they like the idea they are moving big weights (wrong or right). Everyone gets that same "high" going in the gym. This is coming from someone who has done everything (CF/BB/PL). I love all three and they all fit in there certain ways in to my workout. It's all apples-to-oranges in the gym. There just solely is more study behind BB/PL then CF. CF gyms that take the time to properly instruct there students in proper form are the place to go. Unfortunately you get the CF gyms that are known for throwing big weight on a bar for new students and having them throw it up some half ass way and claiming results, when in reality it is increasing the risk of injury. As was said a million times. Whatever gets you to workout is what is best for you.
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  2pointslow said:
Its not necessarily "shocking" anything. Crossfit will not make you a) stronger or b) bigger without some "help" therefore it really has nothing to offer other than endurance.


However as said before if its what gets you off the couch and working out then im all for it. Its different, it offers a new workout each time you step in the gym and it takes no thought as you typically have a coach. So for the person who has no drive to invest any time into themselves and just wants to show up somewhere and be taken through a workout with a bunch of other people while practicing terrible form then by all means.... go for it.


You will never be able to change a power lifters out look on the idea of crossfit. We have 2 totally different philosophies on how a workout should progress. We're constantly watching our form during a lift as its what is looked at during a meet. So throwing weights around in any fashion is unbelievable in our minds. Crossfit takes maximal effort and explosive exercises, lowers the weight in order to perform 10-15-20 reps as fast as possible. At this point the exercise is no longer offering the benefits it was created to do.


Wow. I was on board with most you said until this. To assume that a given exercise is designed for one purpose is moronic. For example, squats can be used to give size, speed, or explosiveness depending on the purpose. Training for speed, endurance, or explosiveness has a whole hell of alot more to do with more olympic sports then power lifting. Only power lifters care about how much I can push up in one rep and no one else.

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  2pointslow said:
Its not necessarily "shocking" anything. Crossfit will not make you a) stronger or b) bigger without some "help" therefore it really has nothing to offer other than endurance.


However as said before if its what gets you off the couch and working out then im all for it. Its different, it offers a new workout each time you step in the gym and it takes no thought as you typically have a coach. So for the person who has no drive to invest any time into themselves and just wants to show up somewhere and be taken through a workout with a bunch of other people while practicing terrible form then by all means.... go for it.


You will never be able to change a power lifters out look on the idea of crossfit. We have 2 totally different philosophies on how a workout should progress. We're constantly watching our form during a lift as its what is looked at during a meet. So throwing weights around in any fashion is unbelievable in our minds. Crossfit takes maximal effort and explosive exercises, lowers the weight in order to perform 10-15-20 reps as fast as possible. At this point the exercise is no longer offering the benefits it was created to do.


Maybe I gave you too much credit and you're just an idiot. Lesson learned, Captain Fitness. My apologies for mistaking your IQ for something higher than a piece of drywall.

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I just put a picture of my half naked body in my sig, and Tilley is my avatar... Your argument is invalid.





And this is the point where everyone stands up and applauds.


Flawless victory.

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  Dover said:
I completely agree with the fanboy cross-fit mentality most always associated with people that do it. I get it they feel good and they like the idea they are moving big weights (wrong or right). Everyone gets that same "high" going in the gym. This is coming from someone who has done everything (CF/BB/PL). I love all three and they all fit in there certain ways in to my workout. It's all apples-to-oranges in the gym. There just solely is more study behind BB/PL then CF. CF gyms that take the time to properly instruct there students in proper form are the place to go. Unfortunately you get the CF gyms that are known for throwing big weight on a bar for new students and having them throw it up some half ass way and claiming results, when in reality it is increasing the risk of injury. As was said a million times. Whatever gets you to workout is what is best for you.


Logic detected.

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  Street Pilot said:
What are the gym fees? One of my big gripes about CF is the prohibitively high costs (to join a CF gym).


Does this Gym follow the "official" WODs or craft their own?


From what I've seen, prices are anywhere from $85-$200 a month depending on location. Those are unlimited access to class times. GV offers access to the gym at other times than classes, "Open Gym." GV is $155 month to month, $145 for Fire/LEO/Military/College Student. $125/month if you sign for a year.


Personally, I pay +/-$4 day for the frequency i use the gym.


GV and other gyms usually do their own programing for the WOD. GV focuses on more Olympic lifts more than other gyms I've seen.

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  Dover said:
Unfortunately you get the CF gyms that are known for throwing big weight on a bar for new students and having them throw it up some half ass way and claiming results, when in reality it is increasing the risk of injury.


Perhaps that's why I don't get the hatred. It's not like that at the only gym I've been too.


  Street Pilot said:
What are the gym fees? One of my big gripes about CF is the prohibitively high costs (to join a CF gym).


I currently pay the equivalent of an Urban Active/LA Fitness membership with none of the "hidden" or "extra" fees. None of the bull crap. None of the hassle. Personal instruction without extra costs. I really went for Krav originally. I'm just getting into CF. Have done lifting and dreadmills to get where I am. Shaking it up a bit at no extra cost since I pay for Krav (maybe that's why I'm so willing to give it a chance). There's a flat rate at our gym and you get unlimited of any class/workout you want. Includes Cross Fit, Krav, open gym, and soon Cardio MMA.


  Street Pilot said:
Does this Gym follow the "official" WODs or craft their own?


Both I believe. As I said, I'm really just getting into it. I've only done 3 workouts so far so I'm still learning.

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I used to be a PL (in HS) now I'm doing distance running. My old PL self would place judgement on my new cardio hobby... Trying to break a 20m 5k.


Plenty of wanna-be BB DBs with decent physiques have terrible form. Plenty of PL dudes suffer injuries from sacrificing form for big weight. So it goes. Some of these CF participants will become BB enthusiasts, some may even be attracted to the strength gains and become PLs. Just because CF is "entry level" for some doesnt make it inferior for all.


When I see a fat person ruining in my neighborhood, I don't say "That dude has no chance"... I say "thank his Jesus that he is taking those first steps; good for fucking him."


Every real BB, PL, or, while we're at it, racer, I've met, has been welcoming and understanding to the entry level. Isn't that interesting how that works? Those who have made it embrace the Noobs. Those who are somewhere in the middle are insecure and feel the need to defend their brand.

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