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In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. >From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late!

The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.

With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'.

During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!

If you value your freedom, please spread this antigun-control message to all of your friends.






Spread the word everywhere you can that you are a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment!

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why japanese didn't invade us mainland in ww2


Thought some of you might enjoy this. It was an email i got a couple of days ago


True story and most people will never know it.


Here's an interesting side bar. After the Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, they could have sent their troop ships and carriers directly to California to finish what they started. The prediction from our Chief of Staff was we would not be able to stop a massive invasion until they reached the Mississippi River . Remember, we had a 2 million man army and war ships...all fighting the Germans. So, why did they not invade?


After the war, the remaining Japanese generals and admirals were asked that question. Their answer...they know that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them.


The world's largest army ... America 's hunters! I had never thought about this....

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this past season in the state of Wisconsin ...


Allow me to restate that number.


Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world.


More men under arms than in Iran ..


More than in France and Germany combined.


These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.


That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters,

All of whom have now returned home.


Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.


The point?


America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.


Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.



That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.


Food for thought when next we consider gun control.

3 minutes ago · Like

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Yes, and Switzerland also has stricter gun control policies than we do.


The sale of automatic firearms, selective fire weapons and certain accessories such as sound suppressors ("silencers") is forbidden (as is the sale of certain disabled automatic firearms which have been identified as easily restored to fully automatic capability). The purchase of such items is however legal with a special permit issued by cantonal police. The issuance of such a permit requires additional requirements to be met, e.g. the possession of a specific gun locker


Also-they have NO standing army-they are the army! The Swiss Army has long been a Militia trained and structured to rapidly respond against foreign aggression. Swiss males grow up expecting to undergo basic military training, but they are still regular civilians.


When stating facts-lease state all of them. You have CCW, you have the 2nd amendment, no one is taking your right to self defense-just turn in your M-16 as there is no fucking reason for you to have one.

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When stating facts-lease state all of them. You have CCW, you have the 2nd amendment, no one is taking your right to self defense-just turn in your M-16 as there is no fucking reason for you to have one.


Turn in all stupid, unsafe, jallopy turbo-hoopties. You are more of a risk to society than my guns. There is no fucking reason for you to have one.


See the problem?


You can easily drive a stock Geo Metro and get to your location. There is no reason to have a 150mph+ trapping car. I want to ban them because of isolated incidents caused by an evil man in CT. See the stupidity to take my guns that I own lawfully because of someone else's actions (that were already illegal?)

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Turn in all stupid, unsafe, jallopy turbo-hoopties. You are more of a risk to society than my guns. There is no fucking reason for you to have one.


See the problem?



When unsafe turbo jallopys acount for 85% of all deaths for 15-19 year olds, I would 100% be against unsafe turbo jallopys.

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When stating facts-lease state all of them. You have CCW, you have the 2nd amendment, no one is taking your right to self defense-just turn in your M-16 as there is no fucking reason for you to have one.




Turn in all stupid, unsafe, jallopy turbo-hoopties. You are more of a risk to society than my guns. There is no fucking reason for you to have one.


See the problem?


You can easily drive a stock Geo Metro and get to your location. There is no reason to have a 150mph+ trapping car. I want to ban them because of isolated incidents caused by an evil man in CT. See the stupidity to take my guns that I own lawfully because of someone else's actions (that were already illegal?)




Attention crazy people, this is not the Parking Lot.


I was trying to figure out why this was in The Passing Lane as well.


But you are for handguns, 15-19 year olds are not offing themselves with $1000 rifles, it's $200 handguns.


Hi Points. Lowell.


It's a rediclous nonsenical comparison.


Um...you're right. One is an inalienable right and the other is just your car.

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so are we now going to ban knives because of the guy who killed 20 people in China on the same day? Knee jerk reactions never get us anywhere.


I heard they didn't died, but it's still the same in theory. Idiots will idiot with or without firearms. Wars were waged and many lives were taken long before black powder was ever invented.

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-just turn in your M-16 as there is no fucking reason for you to have one.


But, do you have any good reason for me NOT to have one? Im pretty sure a bullet has the same effect regardless of what it was fired from. Trying to regulate what type of firearms you should and should not have is just fucking stupid, atleast in my opinion. All I have to say is that the day someone shows up at my front door to disarm me is likely going to be the same day I die.

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I am not the one comparing Colts to guns. It's a rediclous nonsenical comparison.


No, it's a fair comparison.


M4 rifle is to small arms, as turbo junkyard Colt is to cars.


Surely if a small caliber pistol is good enough for us, a bone stock Colt is good enough for you.


PS, you could have easily wiped out a family driving their minivan during one of your 200mph runs/crash (but didn't), much in the same way that no one here has gone on a shooting spree.

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When stating facts-lease state all of them. You have CCW, you have the 2nd amendment, no one is taking your right to self defense-just turn in your M-16 as there is no fucking reason for you to have one.


and by that thinking there's no reason to have street cars that go over 65mph either.


When unsafe turbo jallopys acount for 85% of all deaths for 15-19 year olds, I would 100% be against unsafe turbo jallopys.


Read up on the statistics of deaths in teens and come back to me with what you find is the cause. Hint....see my first point. Second hint, once you find out the answer it will come back to the main action involves speed.


Ban driving for anyone between 16-19 years old and you'll eliminate the #1 cause of their death. In 2010 that was over 2,700 lives. You can fact check me via the CDC web site.


Now an interesting point is the #2 cause is homicide. Teens gain access to a weapon in a family’s home or on the black market. So go figure, Gaining access to a weapon in home = Poor Education and handling in part of the parents. Blame them not the gun. Go figure again, black market = no matter what the laws are, it will exist thus changing laws does nothing to impact this point. Statistics show the majority of deaths in this category are inner city youths....so once again, perhaps Obama needs to ditch his Obama Phone program and free healthcare that I'm paying for and instead focus on education.

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perhaps Obama needs to ditch his Obama Phone program and free healthcare that I'm paying for


The current fund that pays for 'ObamaPhones' was implemented by Ronald Reagan, as a broader version of the program created in 1934, and was refined in 1996. It is paid for, in full, by telecommunication companies, and NOT tax dollars.

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The current fund that pays for 'ObamaPhones' was implemented by Ronald Reagan, as a broader version of the program created in 1934, and was refined in 1996. It is paid for, in full, by telecommunication companies, and NOT tax dollars.


Good to know. Perhaps those people in those youtube vids chanting about "Obama Phones" should have voted for a republican then?


In the end however, if the telecom companies are paying for this program, it's very fair to say those costs are being passed onto their customers thus it may not officially be tax dollars but nonetheless dollars the voters are paying in to fund. The program needs to go as said money can be better spend in other areas.

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Good to know. Perhaps those people in those youtube vids chanting about "Obama Phones" should have voted for a republican then?


In the end however, if the telecom companies are paying for this program, it's very fair to say those costs are being passed onto their customers thus it may not officially be tax dollars but nonetheless dollars the voters are paying in to fund. The program needs to go as said money can be better spend in other areas.


Of course the cost of the fund is passed onto consumers, but it's still voluntary to purchase telephone plans. IMO, people who have more expensive plans for more features paying a bit extra for those who honestly need help to have access to basic features is not a problem.


Since this has gotten a bit off topic, if you'd like to discuss this further, let me know and we can start our own thread dealing with the Universal Service Fund. :)

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Of course the cost of the fund is passed onto consumers, but it's still voluntary to purchase telephone plans. IMO, people who have more expensive plans for more features paying a bit extra for those who honestly need help to have access to basic features is not a problem.


So if it's voluntary to purchase a telephone plan I should have to pay for basic access for others as part of my bill? In reality not having service isn't really an option for those of us who are not in the lower segment of the income brackets yet we're being forced to pay for those in said lower segment. No thanks and not very transparent to me or likely many.


Since this has gotten a bit off topic, if you'd like to discuss this further, let me know and we can start our own thread dealing with the Universal Service Fund. :)
I appreciate the offer. I'll need some beer to have it remotely hold my interest.
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