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A different type of Christmas.

DTM Brian

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I normally get to spend Christmas with my family. We either get together at my parents house or everyone comes over to my place. We exchange gifts and have dinner. It is a always a good time for me.


This year is a little different. A lot of my friends know my mother's health issues this year. With the help of God and the Cleveland Clinic she recieved much needed heart surgery. Without this surgery she would not be alive this Christmas. She has been in a nursing home a couple different times now on the road to recovery. We were hoping she would be home for Christmas. However Pneumonia landed her back into the nursing home again and she is having to start her therapy and recovery all over again. My father has also become sick to the point he is not able to be around others as well.


Even though we are not exchanging gifts. Even though we are all apart this Christmas. I try to think Positive and believe that Santa brought me an early present this year by getting my mom to the Cleveland Clinic.


Love you mom and dad. I hope I can spend next Christmas with the both of you.

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I hope your parents get better soon.


Thank you sir. I hope your Christmas goes better for you next year. That is the cool thing about having it once a year. There is always a chance for a better one.


Never met your mom but your dad is a cool cat. And if she's at all like him then I'm shure she's awsome too. Hopefully all will be well and back to normal for you real soon.


Thank you Matt. Hope to have Mom back home some time in late January.

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Good luck Brian. I remember your dad from way back when I first got into cars and I came to the shop and talked with him for a good while.


My mom has 3 different types of cancer, too. This Christmas was special to me because she made it to it.


Btw, this is Brad with the red ZX2 (I don't have it anymore).


Good luck man.

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