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Not looking good guys


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They do spit from time to time...


You do have some valid points and maybe I should not let my total anger boil over from the hate I have for our elected officals.


Well that's very reasonable. It might help to keep in mind that thanks to globalization, CAD, modern technology, and the tireless efforts of lobbyists and gun-friendly courts and elected officials, you have access to the most diverse and reliable spectrum of firearms in the history of the world, short of moving to a country without a full-auto ban. It's a frickin' golden age for gun ownership right now. I'm not saying that you (as in the NRA and gun-rights activists) haven't had to work for it at certain times, but you know, you're winning.

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I'm with Farkas... you're excluding a vast middle ground. I'm absolutely, vehemently against confiscation of handguns. The supreme court has ruled that the 2nd amendment directly applies to personal handgun ownership. If the government comes to take away ALL your guns, count me among your supporters.


And yes, I know that there are people who are suggesting that, but it's not realistic. Instead, what's being talked about are specific restrictions, improvements to background checks, mental health databases, etc.


To give an example, despite my position outlined above, if someone wanted to ban high-capacity magazines, I wouldn't care. I've read all the arguments pro and con, and my conclusion is "meh."


So instead of arguing against such a provision rationally and trying to convince me, the gun-rights advocates move on to this bullshit "you can't give them an inch, slippery slope, this is how Stalin/Mao/Hitler started, it's going to be 1776 all over again" all-or-nothing rant. Whoa! I'm somewhere in the middle on all of this, but if I had to pick a side that was totally not anything like Stalin, and a side that was convinced that everyone on the other side was obviously Stalin, I'm going to pick the side that's not delusional. Every day of the week.


cliffs: I'm not a sheep, but calling me a sheep is counterproductive.


You didn't get called a sheep, Farkas did. And Farkas is cool offline too. However, anytime their is a topic that has managed to digress from wheels or cars I can't help but picture him as a whiney, over privelaged know-it-all that annoys me at a molecular level.

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You didn't get called a sheep, Farkas did. And Farkas is cool offline too. However, anytime their is a topic that has managed to digress from wheels or cars I can't help but picture him as a whiney, over privelaged know-it-all that annoys me at a molecular level.


I love you...











































...but you should lower it.

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You didn't get called a sheep, Farkas did. And Farkas is cool offline too. However, anytime their is a topic that has managed to digress from wheels or cars I can't help but picture him as a whiney, over privelaged know-it-all that annoys me at a molecular level.


To be fair, he said that if you're not outraged then you're a sheep. Since I'm not outraged (yet), I fit his definition of a sheep (at the time, but we worked it out) :)


If it helps, you can also picture me as an annoying, over-privileged know-it-all. It fits me pretty well.

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I honestly don't give a shit if someone chooses to be neutral on gun control, that's certainly within the scope of their rights. If you oppose gun rights that's all fine and dandy too. If you try and force me to register so some liberal shitrag can publish my address for every would be thief, burglar, or invader, you will be ignored(although sadly my CHL is public record I believe). If you come to my home to disarm me,things will go badly, and that's the last thing I would ever want. I want to work, feed my family, and be left the fuck alone.
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To be fair, he said that if you're not outraged then you're a sheep. Since I'm not outraged (yet), I fit his definition of a sheep (at the time, but we worked it out) :)


If it helps, you can also picture me as an annoying, over-privileged know-it-all. It fits me pretty well.


Looking at your cars I can't give you that.


I love you...


...but you should lower it.


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I wouldnt consider farkas a sheep, clearly he has his own postition on it and that is the same as being a leader. even if it is a leader of 1. the fact that you guys post on here whining about it doesnt do you, me or anyone any good. the nra has profited off of fear and is making more off propaganda than most of you are ready to admit. its hard to take wagner serious when he ends all of his posts with a really shitty metaphor, but he makes some valid points on his pov. not everyone is going to agree, and not too many people are going to be happy about the ruling either way. if you feel so strongly about what is happening go do something productive ( BUYING MORE GUNS AND AMMO IS NOT PRODUCTIVE, YOU ARE FEEDING INTO THE PLAN). Write your letters, start a pettition, go march, start a rally.thats how you get things done, fb / cr/ social media isnt gonna get it done.
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I wouldnt consider farkas a sheep, clearly he has his own postition on it and that is the same as being a leader. even if it is a leader of 1. the fact that you guys post on here whining about it doesnt do you, me or anyone any good. the nra has profited off of fear and is making more off propaganda than most of you are ready to admit. its hard to take wagner serious when he ends all of his posts with a really shitty metaphor, but he makes some valid points on his pov. not everyone is going to agree, and not too many people are going to be happy about the ruling either way. if you feel so strongly about what is happening go do something productive ( BUYING MORE GUNS AND AMMO IS NOT PRODUCTIVE, YOU ARE FEEDING INTO THE PLAN). Write your letters, start a pettition, go march, start a rally.thats how you get things done, fb / cr/ social media isnt gonna get it done.


Phil, people discuss it on this forum and most of the members actually do something. You've been on the pipe too many days straight and have clearly forgotten where you are. Please view your browser and ensure you're not on facebook.

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Phil, people discuss it on this forum and most of the members actually do something. You've been on the pipe too many days straight and have clearly forgotten where you are. Please view your browser and ensure you're not on facebook.


i read this all the time, but lurk more than post. MOST of the people bitching on this gun ban are the same type of bench racers that never come to race. i know there is a few actually doing something about it, but MOST are not. MOST will complain and take no action, then complain when action is taken for them. thats in any walk of life. your just mad my pipe is longer than yours:p

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To be fair, he said that if you're not outraged then you're a sheep. Since I'm not outraged (yet), I fit his definition of a sheep (at the time, but we worked it out) :)


If it helps, you can also picture me as an annoying, over-privileged know-it-all. It fits me pretty well.


I should have put more qualifiers in my statement. People should be outraged that our goverment is a total clusterfuck on both party sides. If you do not pay attention what goverment is doing, in my mind you are a sheep being lead to slaughter.


Elected officals need to be kept honest, and the fact they line their pockets with lobby money is kind of messed up.


Greg, again you are not a sheep, just a large llama that spits interesting truth bombs that make people think and stay on their toes.

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I should have put more qualifiers in my statement. People should be outraged that our goverment is a total clusterfuck on both party sides. If you do not pay attention what goverment is doing, in my mind you are a sheep being lead to slaughter.


Elected officals need to be kept honest, and the fact they line their pockets with lobby money is kind of messed up.


Greg, again you are not a sheep, just a large llama that spits interesting truth bombs that make people think and stay on their toes.


Thanks :) I can agree with all of that; I'm definitely frustrated with the government. Dare I say, I was happier not getting my way under Bush with a government that at least operated somewhat smoothly, than not getting my way under Obama with a government that can't do a goddamn thing right. This debate and talk of executive orders is only going to divide the country further. So I'd say I'm frustrated at the ineptitude and fuckery (as you called it), but not outraged at potential or hypothetical tyranny.

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Thanks :) I can agree with all of that; I'm definitely frustrated with the government. Dare I say, I was happier not getting my way under Bush with a government that at least operated somewhat smoothly, than not getting my way under Obama with a government that can't do a goddamn thing right. This debate and talk of executive orders is only going to divide the country further. So I'd say I'm frustrated at the ineptitude and fuckery (as you called it), but not outraged at potential or hypothetical tyranny.


I am outraged because we pay these fools damn good money to do a job, and they cannot do it, and there is no real punishment for them not doing there job.


I will be the first one to tell you I am pretty bad ass at fucking my own life up, I don't need the goverments assistance in making it more difficult.

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I'm with Farkas... you're excluding a vast middle ground. I'm absolutely, vehemently against confiscation of handguns. The supreme court has ruled that the 2nd amendment directly applies to personal handgun ownership. If the government comes to take away ALL your guns, count me among your supporters.


And yes, I know that there are people who are suggesting that, but it's not realistic. Instead, what's being talked about are specific restrictions, improvements to background checks, mental health databases, etc.


To give an example, despite my position outlined above, if someone wanted to ban high-capacity magazines, I wouldn't care. I've read all the arguments pro and con, and my conclusion is "meh."


So, let me just assume, you are a gun owner. The stance of, "I don't care about magazine capacity" falls inline with the anti-gun crowd. I don't mean to put it in the, "You're for us or against us" crowd, but that sort of thought does just as much harm. Why should it matter as to the type of firearm being crucified here? Handguns, rifles, shotguns, all fall under the same Amendment and are all protected by the same Right.


Opening the door on "specific restrictions" opens a gauntlet, open to whatever translation a politician may see fit. That's like the Govenment telling you we don't want you to say specific words or thoughts.


In this rambling of words, this is the time when all gun owners in general, need to be on one side. It's more than hypocritical to own handguns, but want to ban semi-automatic rifles, or large capacity magazines, or "specific" firearms. We all need to agree that the 2md Amendment is a Right, that need not to be trampled upon. I care less the type, caliber, purpose or personal reason one owns a firearm. It's your Right, and need not questioned.

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the fact that you guys post on here whining about it doesnt do you, me or anyone any good. the nra has profited off of fear and is making more off propaganda than most of you are ready to admit. its hard to take wagner serious when he ends all of his posts with a really shitty metaphor, but he makes some valid points on his pov. not everyone is going to agree, and not too many people are going to be happy about the ruling either way. if you feel so strongly about what is happening go do something productive ( BUYING MORE GUNS AND AMMO IS NOT PRODUCTIVE, YOU ARE FEEDING INTO THE PLAN). Write your letters, start a pettition, go march, start a rally.thats how you get things done, fb / cr/ social media isnt gonna get it done.


I have yet to see one whine come from any posts placed in this section. I see responsible gun owners discussing a possible infringement on a Right given to us as Americans. Let the NRA profit all it wants, for it is about the only organization with a spine in Washington D.C. The faith in our elected officials is almost to the point of being non-existent. I have donated close to $1,000 of my money, along with sending upward of 20 emails and too many phone calls to those I had helped elect. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for a rifle. I think it's time I return the favor to it, even if it is but an "object" to most.

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Democrats give to the needy and take away guns


Republicans take handouts from the needy and give guns back


Democrats give more to the needy and take away more guns


Republicans take more handouts from the needy and give back bigger guns


I just summarized the last 20 years and the next time a Republican is voted into office.

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