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Sickest beat you have ever taken? (poker)


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Played 2-5 today at Hollywood, in lieu of work. Had a rough morning, with my initial $1000 being whittled down to about $250. Took a lunch break, refocused, and spent the afternoon building it back up to $1700. About 10 minutes before I had made up my mind to go home for the night, I am on the button and am dealt aces. Pretty awesome, especially when you consider that the guy behind the big blind straddled, which there will definitely be action in this hand.


So, pot is raised up to $30, called by 3 players, and I re-raise it to $120. The guy who straddled call me, everyone else folds. The flop comes A-K-K, and I had to squeeze my legs together to keep my boner from hitting the bottom of the table. Opponent checks to me, I check back. Next card is a 10. He bets $150, I raise him to $350, he pushes all in and I call before the chips are in the pot as I roll over my aces. Dude says, "Holy shit!," and flips over pocket Kings. The table loses their fucking minds. Why? Because there is $252,000 in the bad beat jackpot at Hollywood right now, and if an Ace comes on the river, we hit that shit.


Unfortunately, an ace DIDN'T come on the river, and all I got was a shitload of sympathetic comments.


Of note, at EVERY other game I have been a part of, that hand would have qualified and I would have gotten paid. While I am happy that Hollywood is here and I have a place to play whenever I want close by, there are myriad ignorant rules there that drive me just a little crazy.

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Mind you this was on pokerstars, and I think I got botted:


I'm dealt AsKs


It is raised $10 before me, and I raise it to $40. Two callers


Flop: Ac Ah Kc


checked to me, I check (just praying for a bet) third person raises $120.

The guy before me (who checked 1st) calls. I re-raise $360.

The original better folds... The guy before me calls. (He only has a few hundred left at this point)


Turn: 7d


It's heads up. First guy raises $100. (WAT!?!? He really just threw $100 at a $1200+ pot)

I go all in (for a couple hundred more)

He calls. At this point I'm smiling from ear to ear.


River: Jc


Now mind you.. This is pokerstars and not live. I already counted this as a lock. So all I see happen is the chips slide from the pot to this asshole.


I'm dumb founded.


Finally it registers. This fuck just hit a one outer royal flush. He had Qc 10c


I couldn't believe it. So I start going off on the chat bar. Never got a response from the "player". I repeatedly asked, are you real? No answer.


I swore off pokerstars after that.

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Back in the day I had this mad beat session going and my dog got my door open without me hearing and out of no where started licking my leg and made her way up to my exposed dick and balls before I could react. I was pretty much done beating at this point but to my surprise I ended up shitting my self with explosive diarrhea right as my parents got home. I then panicked and just wiped it all over the dog and she started licking my asshole cleaning it. If you've ever had a female Australian shepherd eat out your asshole you know this is the most amazing feel you can get. The feel brought to my beat sesh the most explosive orgasm I have ever had, with at least 6 ropers, the longest being around 7 inches, hurling towards my ceiling fan.


So I guess explaining to my parents the dog saliva shit cum all over my walls was the sickest beat I ever had.

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  unfunnyryan said:
Back in the day I had this mad beat session going and my dog got my door open without me hearing and out of no where started licking my leg and made her way up to my exposed dick and balls before I could react. I was pretty much done beating at this point but to my surprise I ended up shitting my self with explosive diarrhea right as my parents got home. I then panicked and just wiped it all over the dog and she started licking my asshole cleaning it. If you've ever had a female Australian shepherd eat out your asshole you know this is the most amazing feel you can get. The feel brought to my beat sesh the most explosive orgasm I have ever had, with at least 6 ropers, the longest being around 7 inches, hurling towards my ceiling fan.


So I guess explaining to my parents the dog saliva shit cum all over my walls was the sickest beat I ever had.



Literally, not figuratively, kill yourself.

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Last time I was there I was in the BB w/ KK. Got a big bet from a guy 2 spots ahead so I figure I'm playing AA. I make the call to see what the flop will bring.


Flop brings two diamonds and one K. He bets and I raise him knowing he thinks I only hit a pair.


Turn brings another diamond. He checks, so I bet him all in. He shows his AA, one a diamond.


River brings a diamond.


I had him called for the entire hand, sucks to lose it on a 4th diamond on the river.

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  jerrodh said:
OP did win the hand... (AAAKK vs. AAKKK) Just not the $252,000 jackpot Holloywoods was putting up.


Nope, I went back and read my post. I had aces, opponent had kings, flop was A-K-K. So, I flopped Aces full, he flopped quad kings. Had an ace hit the river, I would have made 25% of the BB jackpot, or something like 68 grand.


To answer Jeffro's earlier question, they sit 1-2 NL and 2-5 NL typically, and will occasionalyl sit a bigger game if the action is there for it (rumor has it Prahlad Freidman was in town and they sat a $300-$600 table that night). Preflop raises are pretty reasonable if you are the type who has played in various cash games. 1-2 you will see a preflop raise anywhere form $6 to $15, in 2-5 it goes from $15 up to $30 from a guy in bad position who really wants to protect. It isn't bad poker, in my experience, sometimes you just get unlucky.

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  BrianZ06 said:
I have yet to play at Hollywood. I'm more of a tourney player. That was a rough hand to get beat by. I have had my share.


They have tournaments coming soon. They have info posted on their FB page and it should be on their site.


  jeffro said:
Sucks to hear, OP.


What are the blinds these days? Have they come down since it opened?


Lowest they have is 1/2 NLHE. There is a Bravo Poker Live app that you can download and it tells you what tables are open and what the wait lists are.

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dont play in the Hollywood tourneys when they start up. Reason being is their starting stacks and blind levels. For their 70 dollar tourney, you will get 3000 in chips and the 2nd level is 50-100 so all you will have is 30 big blinds left if you dont improve from the start.


If you want to have good tourneys and not pay an arm and a leg to play, play at the bicycle club in Westerville

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  Orion said:
Played 2-5 today at Hollywood, in lieu of work. Had a rough morning, with my initial $1000 being whittled down to about $250. Took a lunch break, refocused, and spent the afternoon building it back up to $1700. About 10 minutes before I had made up my mind to go home for the night, I am on the button and am dealt aces. Pretty awesome, especially when you consider that the guy behind the big blind straddled, which there will definitely be action in this hand.


So, pot is raised up to $30, called by 3 players, and I re-raise it to $120. The guy who straddled call me, everyone else folds. The flop comes A-K-K, and I had to squeeze my legs together to keep my boner from hitting the bottom of the table. Opponent checks to me, I check back. Next card is a 10. He bets $150, I raise him to $350, he pushes all in and I call before the chips are in the pot as I roll over my aces. Dude says, "Holy shit!," and flips over pocket Kings. The table loses their fucking minds. Why? Because there is $252,000 in the bad beat jackpot at Hollywood right now, and if an Ace comes on the river, we hit that shit.


Unfortunately, an ace DIDN'T come on the river, and all I got was a shitload of sympathetic comments.


Of note, at EVERY other game I have been a part of, that hand would have qualified and I would have gotten paid. While I am happy that Hollywood is here and I have a place to play whenever I want close by, there are myriad ignorant rules there that drive me just a little crazy.


But yea DJ I am sure you heard my bad beat against the one and only Phil Hellmuth on Ultimate Bet. But for everyone who hasnt, I will tell. I was on a non bad beat table, 25-50 no limit. I had just finish high in a 50 dollar tourney and had 5k ish. Saw Hellmuth was playing at this table and decided to sit down just for shits and giggles and to say I played with him, bought in for the 5k.


After a few hands I was dealt KK on the button I bet 250 and Hellmuth raised to 750 from the big blind all others folded, I just called. Flop came 2KK, check check. Turn came an Ace. hellmuth made a pot raise of 1500 and i pushed all in, he called. river was the oh so dreaded ace and he had pocket aces. I destroyed the screen of my laptop with a punch.


I have heard many theories of maybe he made that happen since he owns the site but I highly doubt it as it was only for 5k and that guy is worth 100's of millions so why would he risk it. just wish it would have been a bad beat table, the reason it wasnt was because he was promoting his new "if you win with 2-7 you get another secondary pot."

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