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TA Side Skirt Cracked, Can it be Fixed?


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So I clipped a curb this weekend with my TA and the sideskirt cracked for about 1.5ft from the rear tire, forward, and a 6-8" section snapped off right by the rear tire :fuuuu: Now I'm going to try and get a replacement skirt (passenger side) and do all the work repainting and such by myself. What kind of work does it entail to repaint it (NBM), or would it be worth it to try and fix the crack/broken piece? I have the piece that broke off, and it fits back perfectly onto the skirt, just won't stay in place, obviously. I've looked into repairing broken fiberglass, and it appears it is, at least in theory, possible to repair, with just gorilla glue for the snapped off piece, and a fiberglassing kit for the crack down the underside. Has anyone repaired a skirt before, or done anything of the sort before? I'd like to repair it/get a new or used one on for as cheap as possible, asap. Please let me know what the best route is, and how I can go about doing that!
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Did something similar on the ms3. $100 for a boneyard one vs hundreds for a factory one. I would t mess with fixing it. Just find one and paint it.


Yeah, damn snow covered this one completely and I heard a loud bang :fuuuu: lol. Any junkyard in Cbus you recommend? I'm on main campus for class tomorrow morning so I'm thinking I'll just drop by a junkyard on the way home anyway.

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Yeah, damn snow covered this one completely and I heard a loud bang :fuuuu: lol. Any junkyard in Cbus you recommend? I'm on main campus for class tomorrow morning so I'm thinking I'll just drop by a junkyard on the way home anyway.


Mine was in a parkinglot. Thought it was just a slushy puddle. Turned out to be a crater.


Call Kevin clifford here from CR. his body shop can get you one. He did mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't been on here in ages! If you havent found one, I can help you. There are getting harder to find. Tim's car was easy, though they sent us the wrong side at first!


Call me anytime 614.806.4497


I put out a PM on LS1Tech for one, but the guy hasn't gotten back to me yet, and wants $100 shipped for his medium blue metallic one, so I'd need to have it painted and such. No idea yet if I'll get that one, but I'm starting to doubt it since it's been a week and no response yet. I'll give you a call tomorrow!

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