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Fuck taxes


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Anecdotes aside, the archetype of the welfare queen and the emotion it evokes is far disproportional to its actual existence in the wild.


There are far more people, like the immigrant painting my house back home right now who makes 12/hr, works 50 hours a week and supports 2 kids and a wife. Even if he doesn't have a federal tax burden at the end of the year I guarantee the taxes he does still pay impact him far more than my much higher burden impacts me.


I, for one, am not jealous of the predicament of poor people.

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Gotta love getting fucked out of my commission. I'm sure the regular 30% just spiked to 40% taxes taken out.


If its an income spike adjust it with an i9. It's not like they keep it forever if you pay too much because you were too uninformed to do anything about it.

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it's more then poor people who don't pay taxes. The current tax system hinders people from being able to make additional strides towards their goals now since there is only so much time available in order to sustain out of control government spending/political programs which are used to buy votes. If overall taxes were at 15-20%, people would be able to pay off homes faster, invest more, and have more collateral to start businesses....which would possibly lead to the same taxes being collected since more is technically being spent and would create long term sustainable revenue. Cities have used the same strategy to attract large corporations and ultimately leads to more jobs, tax revenue, and start up ventures from people being successful
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Question, for those that may or may not be able to answer it.


About 16% of my income comes as 1099 pay through bonuses directly from Chrysler. Someone mentioned earlier that you can get creative and pay far less taxes on it than would seem to be required. Specify if possible?

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The difference is in the payroll tax. That tax holiday that republicans had no interest in including in the fiscal cliff deal. I'd be interested in hearing how capital gains tax increases have impacted you before our quarterly payments are even due.


I'm not talking about the 2%, that started this year...I was however giving an example on capital gains for things that are increasing considerably for 2013 if you are affected. I try to have a tax plan at the beginning of the year and not say oh **** when it's time to do my taxes..


That figure is his Federal tax liability only. As an effective FEDERAL tax rate, it's not all that low.


Most of his income comes from cap gains which are only taxed 15% at a federal level. As with most billionaires. The easy answer is let's raise cap gains tax.... However common thought is that such a move would cause most rich people to sell out investments right before the law would change, which would be devastating to the market. I would bet your average Joes 401k would get cut in half. (Atleast temporarily)


My biggest problem is the able bodied person that works part time making 12k a year so they qualify for all the credits, has a slew of kids, and gets a 10k federal return.


While they do pay taxes like payroll tax, and sales tax they still have a net negative overall tax rate at the end of the year.


On top of .gov paying for their home, their food, and their insurance.


I know quite a few people that fit this exact bill. With all the oil and gas going on around us, a couple of them have had opportunities to get jobs paying 50k+ and turned them down......


Yes, you are correct and I agree. The entire process just sucks. I have a feeling it's going to hurt the people that really need it the most. Between the 20% long and 40% short, Medicare, reduced or limited deductions it's going to affect a LOT of people IMO. I honestly don't see how it's going to continue much longer before the bottom drops...


Question, for those that may or may not be able to answer it.


About 16% of my income comes as 1099 pay through bonuses directly from Chrysler. Someone mentioned earlier that you can get creative and pay far less taxes on it than would seem to be required. Specify if possible?


I think it depends more on what you can write off, if you are self employed, etc.. but there is a lot I don't know about taxes. Maybe one of the pro's that is in that line of work will answer better..

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I think it depends more on what you can write off, if you are self employed, etc.. but there is a lot I don't know about taxes. Maybe one of the pro's that is in that line of work will answer better..


Yeah I really can't write a lot off. That 1099 is 100% cash performance bonuses. It screwed me last year and will do so this year.

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After having my taxes done, 14.3% of my income went to Uncle Sam. :nono:


Seriously?! You live in a nation that protects your national security, a state that provides you infrastructure to drive and post these messages, a local police force to ensure all those welfare queen's baby daddies don't steal your shit all for a measly 15%. Sound like a goddamn deal to me.

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Seriously?! You live in a nation that protects your national security, a state that provides you infrastructure to drive and post these messages, a local police force to ensure all those welfare queen's baby daddies don't steal your shit all for a measly 15%. Sound like a goddamn deal to me.


common sense is not accepted here!

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Seriously?! You live in a nation that protects your national security, a state that provides you infrastructure to drive and post these messages, a local police force to ensure all those welfare queen's baby daddies don't steal your shit all for a measly 15%. Sound like a goddamn deal to me.



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I'll be in the home ownership boat come November........if all goes as planned. I'm hoping Gov. Perry gives us some gun allowance $$$ :D


Make sure you check local tax rates, you could be anywhere from 2.5-4%+ depending on the area. Nothing like having a house payment as much as your taxes every month...


Also, if you are military with any disability check and see if you qualify. You can have your state taxes reduced on your home as well as VA funding fee eliminated. Don't forget DV plates and free toll passes also in TX...


Seriously?! You live in a nation that protects your national security, a state that provides you infrastructure to drive and post these messages, a local police force to ensure all those welfare queen's baby daddies don't steal your shit all for a measly 15%. Sound like a goddamn deal to me.


True, but just think if all the BS programs and spending plans were cut. You could probably pay 1/3 of that... :lolguy:

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Liberal propaganda


Liberal propaganda


Liberal propaganda


lol. jk. figured I would stoke the fire


Let's define some "BS" programs and spending. Surely if we can reduce tax rates AND be solvent, you can name a few big ones.


Create more jobs to investigate and eliminate all the frauding of welfare programs. Double win.

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Create more jobs to investigate and eliminate all the frauding of welfare programs. Double win.


Then when welfare fraud has been eliminated, those investigators will be without jobs, on welfare, and armed with an intricate knowledge of how to commit welfare fraud :gabe:

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