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Super Bowl

Forrest Gump 9

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Ravens all the way!!


I have my reasons. I'll post my reasons after the game. Just watch and keep your eyes out for some questionable call. This is Las Vegas dream SB.


Just like with Jerome Bettis, Ray Lewis will go out in a blaze of glory. I can't stand the Ravens but I have a feeling it's rigged.



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My desire to see the 9ers win one is equaled only by my desire to see Ray Lewis leave on the highest of high notes. It's a toss up, but I still like the 9ers. I'm a Pats fan and I'm still pissed off.


I'm with you. The patriots thought the game was over at half time. Oh we'll, the mannings are not in it so it not good-enough for Brady.


Who has more buckeyes playing on their team? I know Ginn is a niner.


There are four buckeyes in the game.


Being a steelers fan, I don't want to see anyone else get 6 championships before they get 7...

But I hate the ravens, and that murdering piece of shit Ray Lewis.

So... Go 49er.... I guess

Unless there is some way that no one can win.


Well, I believe in giving a person a second chance. Ray Lewis was just a person of interest in that murder case. He had clearly turned his life around since then. I hope he'll stay clean from here on out.

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alright, it's 28-6 now so I'll post some "reasons" early :)


1. Art Modell


The man made what NFL is today. Only people of Cleveland hate him.


2. Ray Lewis


Definitely an X-factor. He may be old, but his presence bring out the best in his team. He will be miss. He will be one hack of a coach one day providing that he'll stay away from troubles.


3. Colins Kaepernik


4. Randy Moss

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