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Shipping Ammo questions

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I'm getting a lot of different responses from customer service on the phone and online reading on ups and fedex websites.


I'd like to ship out some ammo and from what I'm told over the phone it has to be a plain brown box with no description of what's in it with ORM-D Small Arms Cartridge on it. Not a problem if that's the case, I'll just turn these boxes inside out.


Reading online I see that this box is now acceptable with this logo and the writing on it. Is this true? I've gotten ammo shipped to me like this before.




Can anyone that's done this before give me a solid answer?

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When I shipped ammo, I had to run it to the main UPS hub and get an ORM-D sticker slapped on it. I'm not really sure if that still applies, so I guess I'm really of no help.


From what I can tell this still stands to a degree. They do offer to pick it up from you as well.


I'm just confused about whether or not the box does indeed have to be plain with no description that ammo is in it. I guess it's not a big deal to just turn these boxes inside out and write, ORM-D "Small Arms Cartridge" on it.

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