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Supplement Stack


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Well it's getting close to summer and everyone wants to look good. Obviously more goes into looking good than supplements...diet and workout are the two major components but I thought this would be a good thread to post what you're taking and help others with suggestions.




Pre workout - C4 and Rebel

During workout - Waxy Maize and Arganine

Post workout - Wheybolic

Morning/late afternoon snack - Nitrofactor

Daily Multi - Mega Men's heart

Strength - Fortitude test booster



I'm no expert and don't pretend to be, but I'm pretty satisfied with my stack! Post yours!

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Well her comes the shit storm of.... that sucks, that'll make you fat, what are your goals bro, and did I mention how huge I am.......




On a not so negitve note, I was given some of the rebel and rampage or ravage, the pre work out. Tasted terrible. Just glad I didn't have to pay. I love starting a new stack to change things up. Good luck with your training.

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Good diet and just cup coffee + poo before a workout. No need to spend a dime outside of healthy food




Plus the extra protein/supplements can deposit in your blood steam/arteries and create future problems

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Chicken, bananas, rice, and peanuts.

food=best supplement.

whey isolate, c4, multi. And bcaa


Fuck buying all those supplements op.


I get that shit extremely cheap. Prolly paid less for all those than you did for your stack....just sayin

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I just use that cheap ass body fortress whey isolate and it works pretty well. Typical day is something like...


protein shake

pack of precooked sausages

2-3 deli meat sammichs

can of tuna


can of peas or beans

junk food

another sammich

c4- before workout

protein shake

some random large dinner (pizza, burgers, or pasta typically)


I was using creatine for about a month and a half and drinking like a gallon and a half to 2 gallons of water a day but, I wasnt really seeing any results so i stopped taking it. I havent noticed any loss of size or strength since quiting it either.

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In terms of supps, just pre-WO and protein powder. I tend to grab a couple of different things at once when it's on sale for the sake of variety.






Protein Powders:



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