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70 MPH Speed limits coming soon?


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After being stuck behind some dipshit in an SUV clogging the left lane doing 55 on 71N (with 2 semis in the right lanes) on the way to work today, I really don't think this is going to change a whole lot. Just lesser fines for if/when you get pulled over. The left lane retards are the problem with traffic, not the casual folks just cruising along at the speed limit in the middle/right lanes.


Lay on the horn, it is there for a reason. That's what I would do, left lane is for passing, some idiots needed to be constantly reminded of that.

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Interesting, though I have to wonder how often limits are set, and then never revisited. Case in point... Hard Road between 315 and Smoky Row. When I first took OSU summer classes in '99, the farms were still there, the road still went across the CSX rails, and you still had that stupid 90deg corner turn (hence Hard Road?) at the bottom of the hill. Limit 35. Fast forward almost 15 years, and it's now two lanes each direction, divided, with the 315 interchange fully built, the road going underneath the rails, and clear sailing the whole way. But it's still only 35. Now, I'm sure you can make the argument that directly in front of WKHS ought to be slower during school hours, or maybe even in general, but it's laid out like a 3/4 mile drag strip, and I'm surprised I don't hear about it being used as such more often.

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With all the advances in safety, in tires, in roads, in everything about the driving experience you would think this wouldn't be such a long drawn out issue. what's the point of all these new "advances in technology" if I still have to drive by rules set before anti-lock breaks, air bags, and tires without white walls?


Let's just hope the politicians don't get in the way of everything and make some BS amendments to take this part out of the bill.


As for speeding tickets, ya I'm sure most people will just adjust to run that much faster. Maybe we can all petition for a lane only for well maintained cars with drivers who can handle "excessive" speeds? :)

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Maybe we can all petition for a lane only for well maintained cars with drivers who can handle "excessive" speeds? :)

I'm up for autobahn law... go as fast as you fsckin' like in the fast lane, and get ticketed the moment you don't move over for someone with more horses under their hood. :burn:

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Seeing the wrecks I do down here it's pointless to raise the speed limit as most people are already going 70+ in Ohio and the drivers here certainly can't handle the speeds that are allowed(75mph), will be the same in Ohio. There have been at least 4-5 people killed in Phoenix this week alone in car accidents and that is pretty much the norm. If it rains here.......
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Unfortunately idiots can happen at any speed. I lived in NC for a time and the NASCAR mindset isn't just on the track. Driving to school down a 4 lane 55 MPH road you would think we were lining up for a roll run almost every morning. More than a few people lost to accidents, from both their own stupidity and just random dumb luck.
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I'm up for autobahn law... go as fast as you fsckin' like in the fast lane, and get ticketed the moment you don't move over for someone with more horses under their hood. :burn:


From a man who drive a hybrid....


Would anyone here willing to pay $500 a year to legally drive 100mph on the interstate and subject their cars under stringent inspection? That was one of the questions I got ask by a local law maker. And I said yes, but my odyssey did not make the "stringent inspection".

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From a man who drive a hybrid....


Would anyone here willing to pay $500 a year to legally drive 100mph on the interstate and subject their cars under stringent inspection? That was one of the questions I got ask by a local law maker. And I said yes, but my odyssey did not make the "stringent inspection".


Just because I'm not (usually) in a hurry to get somewhere doesn't mean I'm self-righteous/pompous enough to deny others that luxury/thrill. If you've got the money for a Shelby, then by all rights you ought to be allowed go WOT and let that thing roar, and assholes clogging up the passing lane make that dangerous for everyone.

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What's the sweet spot for cruising speeds in most modern cars? Where the maximum MPG as attained? Let's use economics and environmentalism to fight this fight!...unless of course that sweet spot is 65 in which case we should wisely ignore the findings.


I know before I geared my Mustang, at 80 I could get a pretty respectable 26-28 sometimes higher depending on top up or down. The Stealth anything less than 70 it barely wants to run in 5th gear..

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