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Time Warner or AT&T uverse.


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Bitch enough and they'll give a new one. Have a brand new Cisco box now, works great compared to the shitty scientific atlanta.


The new cisco boxes are handed out freely for Signature Home customers. Tough to get otherwise, but they kick ass, and are a lot smaller.

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AT&T is currently what my family has, and if you are trying to have multiple tv's then they are very misleading with the record 4 shows up to once. If you are recording 3 shows that means only one other tv can be in use at that time. I feel after having it for nearly 6 months now it has a lot of glitches but overall is good, the prices are a little higher than i like though. I am moving to london ohio with my girlfriend and we will be getting TW.
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Ok so TW guys, how are the boxes speed wise? With Att, I literally have to push the button a few times and it lags a lot, therefore pissing me off. My parents WOW cable is very fast. It seems that the box just cant keep up. They just sent me new remotes thinking that was the problem, it wasnt. The internet is slow also.


We're about to switch to TW, just wanted some input first.

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Ok so TW guys, how are the boxes speed wise? With Att, I literally have to push the button a few times and it lags a lot, therefore pissing me off. My parents WOW cable is very fast. It seems that the box just cant keep up. They just sent me new remotes thinking that was the problem, it wasnt. The internet is slow also.


We're about to switch to TW, just wanted some input first.


If you are lagging with uverse, there is a issue with lines in your area. I had uverse for a year and it was stupid quick. If you have good cabling in your area with time warner and solid wiring in your home, the new boxes on TW are fast enough for me.

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