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Over the past 10 years i've had various strains to my neck and traps. Also factor in countless hours in a riding position while cycling and wearing 50 some odd lbs of fire gear that hangs off the shoulders on a regular basis.


All this adds up to minimal but nagging discomfort where (despite stretching and the occasional massage) i still find myself tight through out the day.


After my physical therapist wife got tired of the bombardment of nightly back rub requests she picked up some of this elastic kinesotape stuff... I feel a difference, mainly less tight. Wearing it isn't life changing but neck/trap area feels noticeably better.


Its not like I own stock in the company but i'd bet more than a few of CR's members spend a fair amount of time bent over into an engine bay...or just bent over. Might want to look into trying it. :nod:

Edited by Sturg
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I might have to look into it. Hows it work? After getting a bike fitting done recently and some basic pointers from the guy doing the fit how horrible my posture was while riding, adjusting to it is doing a number on my back, which already has a bad disc (L5-S1). Think itd do anything as something to help until i can build the muscles up to properly support me in this new position?
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I might have to look into it. Hows it work? After getting a bike fitting done recently and some basic pointers from the guy doing the fit how horrible my posture was while riding, adjusting to it is doing a number on my back, which already has a bad disc (L5-S1). Think itd do anything as something to help until i can build the muscles up to properly support me in this new position?


I think it might help you feel better but as far as helping with actual stabilization idk. The only information I can readily provide are my personal anecdotal experiences. Since I'm new to using it i'll have to confer with the wife on this one.


She'll probably say you need to get a PT assessment before using it as improper application might make your back worse. I would guess the proper application is dependent on how your disk(s) are herniated (assuming its a posterior herniation).


That doesn't answer your question but i don't want to give you advice on something i know little about.

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For one of my classes in school a group did research on kinesiotape versus regular athletic tape versus none with athletes that have had prior leg related injuries.


They had a balance plate and did all sorts of tests before and after to observe the results. They also had the participants wear the tape for 2 days to get use to it.


The findings all pointed towards kinesiotape as having better posture, stabilization and movement front/back, left/right on the legs. Pretty cool stuff.


That's all I really know

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