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Suburb Jurisdictional Questions


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i tried to dispute a seatbelt ticket when I was 17. Showed up with a witness (passenger in the car) in a full suit fully prepared. We both made our statements that I was in fact wearing my seat belt, officer stated that I wasn't, however when he had pulled up behind me after the "10 seconds it took to pull a u-ey and catch up" he stated that I was in fact wearing my seatbelt. Judge said that he would take the word of a sworn officer whom he has seen testify many times in his court over two teenagers. paid my fine...
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i tried to dispute a seatbelt ticket when I was 17. Showed up with a witness (passenger in the car) in a full suit fully prepared. We both made our statements that I was in fact wearing my seat belt, officer stated that I wasn't, however when he had pulled up behind me after the "10 seconds it took to pull a u-ey and catch up" he stated that I was in fact wearing my seatbelt. Judge said that he would take the word of a sworn officer whom he has seen testify many times in his court over two teenagers. paid my fine...


This was probably some bullshit Muncipal court right? IMO fighting charges in Municipal Court is fruitless, the Judge is almost always going to side with "his" cops.

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