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To the trailer queen in the rain...


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I don't think it was actually anyone on this forum, but I am going to talk shit anyway...

I was out riding between my old home in Dublin and my new home in Obetz (moving, but slowly) in the rain on 270 and noticed some tool weaving in an out of traffic whilst towing a trailer. On said trailer is a nice shiny red Harley all strapped in....(fairly certain it was HD, didn't take the time to look for actual badging, etc) So, after tool box switches lanes a few times and cuts me off at least once I actually notice that the thing he is towing is a bike!! (I was paying more attention to the rain and the cagers, oh, and speeding a little to boot... hehehe)

I pulled up next to him and caught his attention. Unfortunately screaming epiteths and slurs sounds exactly like "hey man, love the Harley" when you are wearing a full face helmet, dark shield, and riding a V2 down the highway at about 80mph... I don't think he caught my point, or the fact that I was making fun of his cager ass for being a trailer queen... Probably thought I wanted a ride. *sigh

Just had to post that in case it was one of us... hehehe Yeah, I know you just bought it and had to transport it home, still a pussy... The only bike I ever trailered didn't start... Sorry, I'm done now. I'm just in a pissy mood because my fucking gear is still wet... including leather boots that do not dry easily... Need to buy more gear, or actually wear the rain gear once in a while so I don't have to ride wet when the rain actually stops. I just didn't feel like wearing it or pulling over to put it on when the rain got worse...


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Well, I am trailoring my new bike on Saturday. Does that make me a pussy? I am doing it because I am legal and it won't be registered...not to mention the guy I am buying it from made me PROMISE not to ride it until it was registered in my name. I was like.....oookay. He said he wouldn't sell it to me unless I trailored it home. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. maybe the guy didn't have insurance yet.

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Well, I am trailoring my new bike on Saturday. Does that make me a pussy? I am doing it because I am legal and it won't be registered...not to mention the guy I am buying it from made me PROMISE not to ride it until it was registered in my name. I was like.....oookay. He said he wouldn't sell it to me unless I trailored it home. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. maybe the guy didn't have insurance yet.

punch him in the nose, then tell him to STFU, once he signs the title over, he has NO control over how you get it home...or off of his property...

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Sometimes your busa is so fast, you cant ride it for fear it will suck a hole through time fabric causing a worm hole that will collapse the universe. Sure....yea thats it.

:lol: You're bouty-bouty fo'sho. :cheers:

greg is a drag queen not a trailer queen u idiot

Awww man, he's gunna beat you up!

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Well, I am trailoring my new bike on Saturday. Does that make me a pussy? I am doing it because I am legal and it won't be registered...not to mention the guy I am buying it from made me PROMISE not to ride it until it was registered in my name. I was like.....oookay. He said he wouldn't sell it to me unless I trailored it home. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. maybe the guy didn't have insurance yet.

some DMV offices are open on Saturday, you could go and transfer the title and register the bike at the same time, save you a trip... transfer your old plate... put insurance on it before hand with the VIN # if necessary... and you're riding home, if you wanted to

I trailered my first bike home, but I bought it in Syracuse NY area, long haul, but it was a good deal.

2nd one (current) I just drove there with a friend and she drove my car home, I followed her. I actually rode the bike about 10 miles to the DMV and did all the paperwork.

In summary, just do what you want :cool:

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Sounds familiar. In the past few years I've purchased 3 bikes from a dealer about 8 miles from me, road them all home. First, the new Shadow, 34 degrees and snowing. Second, the Gsxr, about 40 degrees and raining (found after getting it home front tire was 13psi low and rear tire was 15psi low after dealer prep). Third was the new Interceptor, 38 degrees and raining. I really need to pick better days to buy bikes!

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Sounds familiar. In the past few years I've purchased 3 bikes from a dealer about 8 miles from me, road them all home. First, the new Shadow, 34 degrees and snowing. Second, the Gsxr, about 40 degrees and raining (found after getting it home front tire was 13psi low and rear tire was 15psi low after dealer prep). Third was the new Interceptor, 38 degrees and raining. I really need to pick better days to buy bikes!

those are probably good days to negotiate a deal

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LOL...Seems to be working so far...Love the ZRX by the way, always wanted one of those.


I like it so far, still getting used to it

bought it at the end of last season and it had a bad rear wheel bearing that kept me from riding it much at all

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