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Cars+Warm Weather+Models=?


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Just wondering I've been getting some texts/PMs since yesterday about doing photos of cars with models...is this something we would like to see possibly as a group event? In a past life I spent much of my days/evenings behind a camera body so have extensive access to all sort of local models. Could range anything from mild or e-zine type shoots to really whatever we wanted just depends on ya'll.


Cost would depend on how many cars involved, how long we were planning to shoot, etc...just taking a temp check of interest at this point.

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We've got a lot of cars in this community I think could be publication worthy, not to mention people in general seem to enjoy their cars with rather attractive...ladies. So, something we are intrested in as a group or...?
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Oh I can totally make that work ;) I didn't want to combine the photoshoot event with the car show as they usually aren't quite so family friendly. A few curse words snuck in yesterday and I about got my head ripped off by a nice lady. Was thinking 4-5 models with different looks/styles probably 10-15 cars to keep the costs down.
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I need a model in some arrangement or current desert BDU's for my truck. Oh and some guns and big tools.


i have an nice looking AR, MP5, 1911 and a Glock 23c that could be used as props if needed...and my desert cammies will be too big.

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I shot a military calendar a couple of years back that turned out pretty well, had the ladies sporting different themed outfits from the different branches. Shooting truck/jeeps we usually go for more of a wooded/mudded setting where as the exotics and more street beast you typically go for something slightly different, but there's nothing saying we can't do this more than once. Maybe do a Babes and Bullets shoot with trucks/jeeps and then something more urban for the other types of rides?
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Maybe we should start by building a list of cars/trucks/mini-vans intrested and go from there? That way I can start fleshing out a plan....


I have no problem doing 2 different themes/settings, can try to stretch a long day as long as we can find the right places to shoot. Or we can split it into Rural one day Urban another..

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I was mostly joking, but if you really wanted to do it I'd be game. I keep my eyes out for interesting settings to photograph my truck in during my traveling around Ohio. The big places I'd like to be able to bring it are Rickenbacker, DSCC, etc. Would love to do a shoot with the hangers and aircraft of the 121st down at Rickenbacker, but I don't figure they are gonna let me in there unless its for work. DSCC might be different, but nothing good there except the "military" warehouses would look kinda correct since my truck is from a logistics detachment.
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First of May, was thinking something maybe the second weekend in May? Looks like the majority of rides to be involved in this are cars so maybe we do a more urban look to start with see how that goes then possibly a truck/offroad shoot?
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