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explosion at boston marathon


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One thing the media isn't doing a very good job of explaining is just what an event this is; pretty much ALL of Boston shuts down to watch the marathon, I know I was there every year in college cheering runners on in a pack of people thousands deep and 30 miles long.
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Supposedly have a suspect in custody: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/authorities_under_suspect_guard_y2m8cJO29uC2PDGIjYBalO


It's been a crazy day... I went to school and lived just 45 minutes away from Boston before I moved here in August. A bunch of friends and fraternity brother were running in the event today (so far they all seem to be accounted for). A few were just down the road from the finish line as well. Hopefully anyone else with family/friends in the area have heard good news as well.


This source is also reporting a lot of wrong or otherwise unconfirmed info; there's no firm info that more than 2 have died, the 3rd explosion at JFK has been disproven. I give very little serious consideration to that article right now.


edit: Also, it's the goddamn NY Post. Pretty much a lie factory.

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Yeah, the news coming through here is a bit of a pain... I just have things coming through from my friends back in boston coming through. I did see a few other sources saying the same thing, but I haven't sorted through all info yet.
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My sister as well as my extended family basically all live in Boston, they're all alright but it's crazy this is happening. Prayers with all the families involved, hopefully we don't hear about more than just the two deaths. Horrific to hear one of the dead is 8 years old.
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Someone asked at work if it was North Korea that hit us with a missle.....dafuq


I just wonder what someones motive for such an act is, what are they trying to solve?


Motive? People are fucking crazy. You can't pass laws to combat crazy, just have a plan in place when crazy happens, and have situational awareness.


And of all places, Boston? Whoever did this better PRAY the cops or feds get them first, because the last thing I would want is a large amount of pissed off people from Boston looking for me. Boston Irish justice is a ball bat meeting with your lower back...

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Just watched a video at this link posted earlier in this thread. A female runner slows down after the finish line and checks her time on her watch after the explosion happens right behind her. Really?


At the end of a Marathon some runners wouldn't notice a tornado bearing down on them. They're in something like a trance where they're mentally disconnected from their body, letting it just churn along mechanically.


This really sucks though. My ex step mother runs in the Boston Marathon. I hope she's ok. Thankfully, the rest of my family doesn't attend.

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At the end of a Marathon some runners wouldn't notice a tornado bearing down on them. They're in something like a trance where they're mentally disconnected from their body, letting it just churn along mechanically.


She turned, acknowledge the blast, then checked her time. I guess I should have specified.


This really sucks though. My ex step mother runs in the Boston Marathon. I hope she's ok. Thankfully, the rest of my family doesn't attend.


Hope she is alright.

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[update, 8:55 p.m. ET] A Saudi national with a leg wound was under guard at a Boston hospital in connection with the bombings at the Boston Marathon, but investigators cannot say he is involved at this time and he is not in custody, a law enforcement official said Monday evening.



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Ugh pulling ball bearings from people.... good. lord.


Damn, they were out to do more damage than what they prolly did. I bet there is a special place in hell reserved for people like this. I wish I could extend my sympathy to the families that lost loved ones today. I hope for a speedy recovery for the injured.

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I had my first experience for what its like to work at a National Security location today. The local PD's (two areas) shut down every road around the GE plant, including shutting down the highway feeder lanes and exit and on ramps by the plant. Traffic nightmare at rush hour. No cars allowed, only letting people leave.
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I'd put $$$ on it being American terrorists


as much as I despise Boston for the Red Sox, I have to feel for everyone affected...This is not good at all.


And that Saudi national was arrested for "acting suspiciously" but it was found out he was simply a terrified bystander, like everyone else. He had no involvement and the police let him go


7:35 PM EST: There's now more information on the Saudi national being questioned by police. According to CBS, it turns out the man was simply running away from the blasts like everyone else when he was tackled by civilians who claimed he was "acting suspiciously."
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Someone tell me that isn't what I think it is.....


Looks typical double amputee from an IED. Looks like medical first responders and some National Guard jumped in.


God Bless the folks out there that were victims of the blast. I'm drawing conclusions as to the blast was HME based. I hope the swift Justice doesn't go silent.

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