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Naive reporter vs. informed gun advocate


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I admit I didn't watch the whole thing. I stopped when I realized it was going to be the same goddamn arguments everyone makes every time and that no new ideas were brought to the table.


No ownage either way, both guys look like clowns


Thanks for the cliffs. Will not waste time watching. Same ol' same ol'.

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I admit I didn't watch the whole thing. I stopped when I realized it was going to be the same goddamn arguments everyone makes every time and that no new ideas were brought to the table.


No ownage either way, both guys look like clowns


I am sorry you feel that way.


One has history, facts, court law, and common sense on his side (hardly a clown), while the other has a hands-off, someone else will take care of me philosophy on his.


No "new" ideas need to come to the gun debate table. New ideas need to come to the mental illness debate table, the every-kid-is-popping-meds debate table, and the stop trying to pass new laws when you refuse to enforce the current laws debate table.

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No ownage either way, both guys look like clowns


Really? I saw one clown who was basically a TV Personality reading questions from a script that he clearly has never though through even one step forward. The other was perhaps the most calm and well informed individual I've seen on the subject maintining focus and trying to bring the other guy back on-point several times.


Cliffs: TV Reporter says "let's have a rational discussion" then goes on to ask about "what if" people had Nuclear weapons or grenade launchers. :doh: He was also perhaps the worst listener in the world.

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what drives me nuts is people in the press (and heck even sadly lawmakers). who know nothing about firearms. get up on their high horse and dictate about gun control. i know nothing about medical insurance or medical care. so i dont stand on a high horse and tell everyone how medical law should be.
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what drives me nuts is people in the press (and heck even sadly lawmakers). who know nothing about firearms. get up on their high horse and dictate about gun control. i know nothing about medical insurance or medical care. so i dont stand on a high horse and tell everyone how medical law should be.


And here I though everyone was entitled to their own opinion... ;)


Because they are NOT! You are on the right track. People are entitled to their own informed opinion. Nowadays, we cater to the "loudest cryer" basically. To hell with common sense and informed opinion.

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what drives me nuts is people in the press (and heck even sadly lawmakers). who know nothing about firearms. get up on their high horse and dictate about gun control. i know nothing about medical insurance or medical care. so i dont stand on a high horse and tell everyone how medical law should be.


Sadly, that's the reality.

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