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Daughter evicting 91yo WWII vet father from the house he built


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There gets to be a certain point in everyone's life where they make their decisions regardless of what they were raised to believe.


Myself and my two brother's were all raised pretty much the same way, with the same beliefs and the same known "right and wrong's." All three of us have made very different choices in life. Some of their's I would deem very wrong, but obviously they do not. You can only blame one's upbringing for so long before it becomes and invalid, or at least less valid argument.


I would almost bet money that if the whole story comes out you'll find some degree of family dysfunction here. Whether it's alcohol, abuse, or something along those lines. Normal families don't have these issues.

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he raised her.....must've not spent much time teaching her right from wrong.


I see where you're trying to go with this, but at some point the daughter is responsible for her own actions. To stay with what you stated as purely black and white leaves no room for accountability on her part when in fact she has the lions share of it when it comes to her own actions. Not to mention her husband is a player in this too.

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I would almost bet money that if the whole story comes out you'll find some degree of family dysfunction here. Whether it's alcohol, abuse, or something along those lines. Normal families don't have these issues.


Most "normal" families I know were/are dysfunctional to one extent or another, some just hide it better than other's.

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I see where you're trying to go with this, but at some point the daughter is responsible for her own actions. To stay with what you stated as purely black and white leaves no room for accountability on her part when in fact she has the lions share of it when it comes to her own actions. Not to mention her husband is a player in this too.


Most "normal" families I know were/are dysfunctional to one extent or another, some just hide it better than other's.


I understand what you guys are saying.....she is responsible for her own actions and she's a piece of shit. I just don't think this was a shock to people in her family I bet. I'm guessing this goes way back and didn't just pop up out of the blue. I can tell you from experience though that when parents start dying or get old it's amazing how much it changes people. All the kids suddenly feel entitled to all their belongings. I was lucky in that my 2 brothers and I handled it pretty good when our parents died. No fighting at all and we all kinda made sure everyone got the things they really wanted and then we split or donated the rest. We had aunts there though that were out of their minds......they were digging through shit trying to find stuff that my mom had gotten from her mother. Someone stole some stuff that my older brother had set aside. It was crazy how they got. I ran a few of them off at one point. They were like vultures.

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Something similar happened within my family after my grandpa passed away and my grandma was having trouble. They took all her money her retirement and was living like fat cats. Where my grandfather had left grandma more then enough money to live out her days comfortably. Instead my dad found out she had 0 food in the house and was living off tomatoes out of her garden.


Blows my mind.

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I would almost bet money that if the whole story comes out you'll find some degree of family dysfunction here. Whether it's alcohol, abuse, or something along those lines. Normal families don't have these issues.


I'm sure it happens far more often than you'd imagine. Similar thing going on in my ex's family. Her uncle and aunt are looking for all that money that their dad had saved up throughout his life. Selling off antiques, properties, and such. My ex MIL is about the only one taking care of their mother while they try to divy up the pie. It's ridiculous.

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the power of greed never surprises me... with that being said... should he be in a retirement home? Can he take care of himself? he turns 92 next week, I sure don't want him behind the wheel of a car. Is his daughter doing this to push him to going into a nursing home? How many 92 year olds do any of us know that can live on their own?
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the power of greed never surprises me... with that being said... should he be in a retirement home? Can he take care of himself? he turns 92 next week, I sure don't want him behind the wheel of a car. Is his daughter doing this to push him to going into a nursing home? How many 92 year olds do any of us know that can live on their own?


IMHO that's one flaw in this country's way of thinking. Can't be completely self sufficient, stick em in a home. This is where I admire other cultures in that when your parents are too old to completely care for themselves, the kids step in and help. We have a, "How dare you inconvenience my life; why should I help you?" mentality in this country.

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IMHO that's one flaw in this country's way of thinking. Can't be completely self sufficient, stick em in a home. This is where I admire other cultures in that when your parents are too old to completely care for themselves, the kids step in and help. We have a, "How dare you inconvenience my life; why should I help you?" mentality in this country.


This my dad sold his house and moved in with his parents and has been taking care of them for 5 years now. Grandmother cant walk, use the restroom or clean herself. My dad does all of it. Grandfather has been battling cancer on and off for 2 years and on top of all that his brother, my uncle is mentally handicapped. I have no idea how he keeps all their meds in line, much less his sanity because there is no breaks for him... never. And he runs the family business during the day while he pays for someone to watch them until he gets home. Its taught me alot about the character of man caring for his family, complete sacrifice for personal pleasure or leisure.

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the power of greed never surprises me... with that being said... should he be in a retirement home? Can he take care of himself? he turns 92 next week, I sure don't want him behind the wheel of a car. Is his daughter doing this to push him to going into a nursing home? How many 92 year olds do any of us know that can live on their own?



Both my great grandmothers died a few years back at 94, both were 100% solid to do anything.

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