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My Dad.......


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Some of you may know my dad was diagnosed in August 2007 with cancer. It was a rough few months, but the chemo helped. He was off chemo and feeling good most of last summer.

Well about a month ago we found out the cancer has spread. We were hoping to do chemo again but unfortunately he took a turn for the worse this week.

We called in hospice this week and are living one day at a time.

I have been contacted about different things on the site and I haven't been able to respond. I feel horrible, and that's why I am telling you this. Please don't think you are a bother to me because it's always nice to take my mind away from things. I just don't have a whole lot of time. I have been checking my PMs and asking Ben (Casper) to follow up if needed. If you want to contact me still send me a PM but also CC Ben so if action is needed he will take care of it if I can not.

I'm still around just more behind the scenes right now.

Thank you for your understanding and Thank you everyone for your support to the site.

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I know i'm knew but my prayers go out to you and yours hope everything works out and your dad can fight it and win. I know how it is my mom has breast cancer along with mental problems . I can't spend time with her since she is 1000 miles away .

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hun i know EXACTLY how you feel my father was diagnosed in may of 2007 with Sarcoma Cancer of the leg with in 6 months even with chemo and radiation it spread to the lung.. he fought and fought hard but unfortunantly it was to much for him this April 24th will be one year since we lost him at the young age of 58... So remember Family is very important.. all of them. (us too lol) stay strong.. and we all hope you and your family the best. its rough I know but as long as your strong. and maintain then it will all be better.

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Right there with you Carie.

My dad had a tumor removed from his brain last August and is going through chemo and radiation now.

I just try to make the most out of every moment I have with him. My heart and prayers go out to you.

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Sorry to hear that. I will be praying for your dad. My sister is in remission from breast cancer. She had it pretty bad. She had both breasts removed and she is only 36. So, I can understand your pain. Stay strong in these hard times.

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That's never an easy thing to deal with, let us know what we can do to help. I'm a decent cook, and can whip up some meals for your family ( I know cooking food is the last thing my family wanted to do after coming home from the hospital)

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