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im digging everything from MSFT lately.. not sure why all the hate. its the clear long term winner.


Sorry guys, the Xbox One they were demoing on hadn't connected to the internet since yesterday.




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And with the Sony's event over, the Xbox one death kneel has sounded.

I am an Xbox fanboy through and through. But Sony just smoked them.

$100 less system price

Used games allowed

No internet connection required


I know which one I'm picking up.

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It's funny that PS4 did really nothing spectacular. All they did was maintain industry standards and show a few average games. But there's no denying it had the desired effect. MS will have to take a hard look at their philosophy moving forward. As I believe I've pointed out before, the internet connection and used game things have almost no effect on me. But the reaction from the crowd when Sony got to that part of the presentation has to get MS thinking.


The problem arises with the publishers. If MS did what they did with regards to the used games and required check-ins at the request of certain publishers to keep some games/content Xbox One-exclusive and they flip flop then they could lose them. But the publishers have to open their eyes too.

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It's not the used gaming market that would be a draw for me to go to PS4, it's more the ability to be able to use the console without checking in and the price point. On the used game bit though, it would suck to buy a game that you think would be a good game and it turn out to be total shit, but now your stuck with it unless you have a friend that wants it.
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I buy/play so few games that the whole selling a game that sucks thing rarely comes up for me. But I definitely understand it being an issue for someone who tries a bunch of different shit and sometimes runs into a dud.


MS is definitely going to have to take a look at their policies moving forward. And pretty quickly or they really will have a big problem on their hands. The responses from the crowd at E3 last night as certain things were announced at the end of the Sony presentation should be more than enough to scramble the MS execs to reconsider some things.

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I buy used games to save money but I stopped trading games in along time ago since they don't give you anywhere near what you paid for it. MS cutting out used games was a dumb move, think about when people buy a game beat it and wanna sell it or trade it in, now they can't unless a friend wants it, plus it would hurt stores like gamestop on their used game market, putting people out of jobs. To me MS is trying to corner the Video Game market as they did the PC world.
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I buy used games to save money but I stopped trading games in along time ago since they don't give you anywhere near what you paid for it. MS cutting out used games was a dumb move, think about when people buy a game beat it and wanna sell it or trade it in, now they can't unless a friend wants it, plus it would hurt stores like gamestop on their used game market, putting people out of jobs. To me MS is trying to corner the Video Game market as they did the PC world.




Or, are they trying to make up for the money they are bleeding out in the PC world since tablets, phones, and their own crap products are killing them?


This new system has nothing I want at this point, the PS4 will do what I need. Kind of an easy choice to make...

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I think for the vast majority of gamers what XBone is doing isn't particularly horrible. However, I rarely buy new games for consoles; all my 360 and PS3 games are secondhand. My decision's already been made for me.



I don't think this is over, though. I think MS will backtrack.

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imo all gaming will be like Steam on pc where you just download the games direct and authenticate. xbox is becoming a natural thing in the living room. this is the first attempt to basically make your TV a smart tv via xbox platform. once skype becomes the norm I think MSFT will be in prime position. physical discs/media will be phased out esp with all the fiber and broadband expansion around the world. ive been slobbin msft for awhile so this is my fanboy view
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Just hit up Gamestop at Taylor Square in Reynoldsburg and I got the last Xbox One. Got a PS4 as well (that makes 4 solid pre-orders of each for me now...lol) but there were some of those left. Could mean Sony is planning on shipping more off the bat, people are just reserving knowing they can cancel if they continue to not like what they see or people really don't care that much about the used game stuff.


I think Gamestop does though. Their standard greeting on the phone says "where you can pre-order PS4." No mention of Xbox One. Had to ask. Probably not happy with MS right now.

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Reason the 360 and PS3 have been around so long? The hardware is more advanced than the development. Is somebody out there writing some hardware-hungry game that just can't run on a pathetic-ass PS3/360? I hope so - but not that I'm aware of.








In order of importance.

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