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Reason the 360 and PS3 have been around so long? The hardware is more advanced than the development. Is somebody out there writing some hardware-hungry game that just can't run on a pathetic-ass PS3/360? I hope so - but not that I'm aware of.








In order of importance.


The guys at Crytek (Crysis, Far Cry) have regularly made games that would make the most badass of consoles cry like a bitch. Oh, and they don't really suck at content too much, either.

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I just saw that you now will have to pay to play on ps4 just like on Xbox. Gaaaayyyy. Now I'm thinking about canceling my pre order...


you have to pay to play "online" only, not for Netflix or anything like that, besides I thought you were already a PS+ member?

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you have to pay to play "online" only, not for Netflix or anything like that, besides I thought you were already a PS+ member?


I was a PS+ member, not sure if I still am cause I never play anymore and I think I cancelled it.


But I think that's crap though, I don't want to have to pay to play online. Especially if I maybe play online for like 20 mins every 2 months.

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It's good that people are noticing that Sony slipped that in there among all the Xbox-related announcements. WE SUPPORT USED GAMES! WE DON'T REQUIRE INTERNET! (we will be charging you just like microsoft has to play online) WE ALLOW YOU TO LEND GAMES TO FRIENDS!


Talked about the consoles with some internet friends on Live last night and was surprised how many of them also didn't care about the used games/internet thing. Will all be getting Xbox One's because they're just used to Xbox at this point. Maybe MS doesn't have to catch up or rethink things as much as I thought.

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Well I haven't played a playstation in awhile. Time to catch up on some exclusive franchises I have missed over the past 5 years.


They have some good exclusives for sure, I suggest the 3 Uncharted games. The first one is a bit crap at times and occasionally unfairly difficult, but worth getting through because the other 2 are fantastic. Especially if you are a sucker for large setpiece moments in games like I am.

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They have some good exclusives for sure, I suggest the 3 Uncharted games. The first one is a bit crap at times and occasionally unfairly difficult, but worth getting through because the other 2 are fantastic. Especially if you are a sucker for large setpiece moments in games like I am.


great games, don't forget Metal Gear!


on a side note the PS4 will be compatible for cross-play with the PS Vita, iPad/iPhone or any smart phone and tablet.

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great games, don't forget Metal Gear!


on a side note the PS4 will be compatible for cross-play with the PS Vita, iPad/iPhone or any smart phone and tablet.


Didn't forget Metal Gear, its just not an exclusive. MGS4 is the only one that is. MGS1 came out on PS1/PS3/PC, MGS2 came out on PS2/Xbox/PC/PS3/360, MGS3 came out on PS2/Xbox/3DS/PS3/360, Peace Walker came out on PSP/Vita/PS3/360. MGS4 would have come out for Xbox, except that it is one of the only games that uses up an entire 50 something gig Bluray disk, and would have had to have been released on several DVD's (from Kojima himself).


But while we are talking about it, check out the new Red Band trailer for MGSV which will be released for Xbone/PS4/360/PS3 and even PC, featuring Keifer Sutherland as the new voice of Big Boss. Probably NSFW.

Edited by Rally Pat
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I've already preordered my xbox one with a few games as I've never really cared for the playstation controllers or their laggy servers. Sure from time to time I get into a laggy room on xbox but I'd have to say it's maybe 5% of the time. I hope for those buying the playstation 4 and Sony charging now to play online that they add servers for you guys. Microsoft might be doing things that some think is horrible but they seem to be trying to do some things right from day one.



Day one of Xbox One, we will have the server power equivalent to the entire computing power of the planet in 1999. There's a tangible data point for you."Microsoft will have 300,000 servers forming the Xbox One's 'cloud', a number Harrison expects to grow exponentially as the console evolves. One example of a game using the cloud is Forza 5's 'Drivertar' feature, which uploads your driving behaviour in the game to the cloud, which in turn can teach the game's AI to race like a human.

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Anyone else find it hilarious that this generation's console war, thus far, has been won not by features added, but by 'features' NOT added?


I was disappointed from the getgo with Microsoft, but honestly if the PS4 didn't have 4k support, I wouldn't be buying either console. I'm interested to see what they can do with 4k, though. Yes, I'm aware the XB1 also has 4k support, but as a responsible consumer, they were already eliminated from contention of obtaining my monies.

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