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MS has added features that round out the console as an all-in-one entertainment machine. Sony added a charge for online and a cross-game chat system Xbox Live has had for years.


But the DRM/online check-in stuff, for whatever reason, has drowned all of that out.


You're absolutely right though. All PS4 has done thus far is say "we're going to keep things the same" and people have gone crazy...lol.

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It's going to be hilarious if within the next month Sony announces they have to adopt a few of the same DRM things MS is. Some rumblings out there that Sony pulled their little thing somewhat at the last moment just to stick it to MS in PR (which they did) but some publishers are not pleased and the deals are not official and won't be for another month or so.


If ANY of that is true, Sony made a power play and if the publishers cave, MS can drop their DRM stuff and Sony's biggest (read: only) advantage disappears.


If Sony's play doesn't work and they have to do some of the same DRM stuff I don't know what would happen. Sony fanboys would just suck it up and blame MS probably.

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Polyphony Digital is not even thinking about anyone else let alone worried with what they are doing.



Seriously though, I'm not entirely happy about the XBone, but I so prefer Forza over GT. Grr. I guess I can toss a rag over the Kinect camera..

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whats there to worry about? hicks with no internets?


People who don't want to be told what they can do with their used games?


People who don't want to play online?


People who don't want their activities tracked that much for profit use?



They have done nothing to make me go "man I NEED this next Xbox", instead I am saying "wow, I will stick with what I got...."

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or basically turning your existing TV into a smart-TV. Way better apps, Skype, watching and sharing game highlights, netflix, espn, twitter, use the xbox as your att uverse box.


the new live(hotmail), skydrive


again with the used game market, before to long its going to be all online downloads no media anyways so why keep holding onto the past acting like its such a big deal.


who doesnt want to be online? i dont mind personalized content

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GT is better than forza tho


I don't know, 5 sucked balls. I bought it the first day it came out, even invested in their $200 wheel for it. Traded the game in the next day and was stuck with the wheel. Good thing it has PC support though, came in handy for Dirt3 on Steam.

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MSFT is not even thinking about Sony let alone worried with what they are doing.


That would be pretty dumb. Like I said, it's in the hands of the publishers now if any of the stuff about Sony going rogue before their E3 presentation is true.

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whats there to worry about? hicks with no internets?


Or any of us that happen to be in the military and deploy overseas. Cause the internet we do have isn’t for gaming.


Right I know that’s less than 1% of U.S. it effects but still feel slighted when they announced it.

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Or any of us that happen to be in the military and deploy overseas. Cause the internet we do have isn’t for gaming.


Right I know that’s less than 1% of U.S. it effects but still feel slighted when they announced it.


Its far less than 1% of the U.S. That feels affected by some of these xbox "features" lol :gabe:

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Why are some of you trying to defend this failure? The only reason I can see someone buying an Xbox One over a PS4 is for the platform specific games, unless they are an Xbox fanboy

I'm just not quick to judge and I know the masses thrive on negativity. I'll wait a couple months and if the ps4 is still the obvious choice I'll probably pick one up.

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I'm just not quick to judge and I know the masses thrive on negativity. I'll wait a couple months and if the ps4 is still the obvious choice I'll probably pick one up.


I'm just an Xbox person. I have the One slated as my primary console but have pre-orders for both with intentions of keeping one of each. That said, even as an Xbox person, I didn't know/understand the game sharing with the sharing circle. Reading a lot about it today, even if it ends up having some restrictions that people are speculating it might, it's pretty awesome. You get a sharing circle of 10 people. Everyone in that circle shares their entire game library. You can play any of the games in there. There are limitations and restrictions obviously or else you'd just have pods of 10 people everywhere buying one copy of a game and sharing it but it still seems really cool.


A good explanation of how it will work I read earlier today...


If person A and Person B are sharing games.....They will be able to split the cost of any any game that each other buys...The owner (person A) will always be able to play any game in their library even if person B is playing one of the game. If you bring in person C, they cannot play the same game as person A and B because only one person is allowed per shared game at a time...So A and B can play each other In madden On person A's Game....When that game is Over and Person B logs off of that game, then Person C could hop on and play Person A....But Person B and C won't be able to play each other in Madden on person A's game...


Might seem a little confusing but once you grasp that it's pretty awesome.


For example, a launch title will be Dead Rising 3. I'm going to get that. I know some of my friends will. I know some won't. IF they don't restrict multiplayer, one of my friends in my circle at a time could try the game out with me. If they do restrict multiplayer, my friends can still try the game out when I'm not playing it.


It's a relatively difficult system to explain and I don't think all the details are even ironed out/official yet (goes along with all the DRM issues that are still being mulled over on BOTH consoles) but once it's all a little easier to explain I think that puts MS right back in the game. Sony's little "here's how you lend a game to a friend on PS4" video looks hilariously stupid if this works out the way it sounds like it will.

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