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Cheerleading coach fired for formerly working for playboy.


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that's garbage. i think she should take the district to court. you can't fire someone for something they did that's perfectly legal before they even worked for you, especially when it was public knowledge before she was hired.

maybe i'm just a bit biased because i would have liked to have the option of seeing a few of my HS teachers naked...

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that's garbage. i think she should take the district to court. you can't fire someone for something they did that's perfectly legal before they even worked for you, especially when it was public knowledge before she was hired.

maybe i'm just a bit biased because i would have liked to have the option of seeing a few of my HS teachers naked...

I think it's garbage too, but... some contracts or positions may carry a "morality clause" and regardless of whether or not it happened before she even got the job may give them legal ground to terminate her. Also depending on the state she could get fired for about any reason anyway and it doesn't matter.

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I really wouldn't want a former Playboy model teaching/coaching my daughter. But why are they finding out about it after hiring her? Thats something they should have found in a background check. Or did they know and had to take action because a parent found out? :dunno:

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Ethics and morals.

That's what I was guessing was the reason and not a debate I think have the energy for. :D

what if she's the best teacher in your district? It's not like she talked about being in Playboy to students. She didn't interject that part of her life into it her job at all.

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gonna have to agree with sam on this one (not that i want to get into a debate) but i wouldnt want my daughter being taught by someone that took there close off for money...i have no respect for any women that do that the current media degrades women sometimes to make them feel like they have to act slutty to get anything in life..

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That's what I was guessing was the reason and not a debate I think have the energy for. :D

what if she's the best teacher in your district? It's not like she talked about being in Playboy to students. She didn't interject that part of her life into it her job at all.

But what if she did talk about it just 1 time? And ya know that there will be guys in the school that will find it eventually. And if her coworkers found out and started harassing her, the school district would have her filing sexual harassment charges. Just a bunch of "what ifs" that I really wouldn't want my kids exposed to.

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So you feel the same way about women who pose nude for fine art photos or paintings and get paid?

hmm never thought of that...yeah i guess I do....in my opinion yes the female body is much more beautiful thatn a guys but doesnt mean you plastor it all over the place and advertise it...thats just me to each his own...no biggie..

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But what if she did talk about it just 1 time? And ya know that there will be guys in the school that will find it eventually. And if her coworkers found out and started harassing her, the school district would have her filing sexual harassment charges. Just a bunch of "what ifs" that I really wouldn't want my kids exposed to.

Fair enough, but if she enjoyed the job she has now she probably wouldn't mention it. There's what ifs in everything we are exposed to everyday, I still let my kids leave the house.

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Fair enough, but if she enjoyed the job she has now she probably wouldn't mention it. There's what ifs in everything we are exposed to everyday, I still let my kids leave the house.

As do I. But I'm sure you protect them from what you can.

I really dont think that her being fired is fair for her. They should have never hired her in the first place. But she should've thought about her future before she posed nude.

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As do I. But I'm sure you protect them from what you can.

I really dont think that her being fired is fair for her. They should have never hired her in the first place. But she should've thought about her future before she posed nude.

We all make mistakes (not that I personally think it was) and most of the time we should be allowed to learn from them and move on. I would be more worried about what we don't know about the people who work in our children's school districts.

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We all make mistakes (not that I personally think it was) and most of the time we should be allowed to learn from them and move on. I would be more worried about what we don't know about the people who work in our children's school districts.

Kinda like the Sunday School teacher that raped and killed her daughters playmate?:mad:

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We all make mistakes (not that I personally think it was) and most of the time we should be allowed to learn from them and move on. I would be more worried about what we don't know about the people who work in our children's school districts.

+1 to that..why i would home school lol

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Kinda like the Sunday School teacher that raped and killed her daughters playmate?:mad:

Yea that sort of shit fills me with rage.

+1 to that..why i would home school lol

I'd rather leave it to decent school districts and to those that are more qualified. Teaching standards do seem to be dropping a bit, but I think that's more parents than teachers.

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I'd rather leave it to decent school districts and to those that are more qualified. Teaching standards do seem to be dropping a bit, but I think that's more parents than teachers.

Dating a teacher has taught me all kinds of things about school funding. Things I wish I didn't know, it's depressing. :(

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+1 to that..why i would home school lol

Oh hell no to the home school. I've got nephews and nieces that are home schooled. They have no clue how to interact with other people. It destroys any chance of having social skills. Just my .02

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Oh hell no to the home school. I've got nephews and nieces that are home schooled. They have no clue how to interact with other people. It destroys any chance of having social skills. Just my .02

i was in and out of home school..if my mom felt like doing it one i year then i was home schooled, it wasnt that bad wake up when i want do 3-4 hours of school and have fun the rest of the day.. hell when i turned 16 and could drive i stayed home till i graduated just so i could work more lol...public school is shit and will only get worse...my .02 :-)

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Oh hell no to the home school. I've got nephews and nieces that are home schooled. They have no clue how to interact with other people. It destroys any chance of having social skills. Just my .02

Oh, so that's my problem . . . Haha, it really depends on the kid. I was public through 8th grade and decided to switch. I already had a ton of friends and a huge extended family so being social was pretty easy. That doesn't mean I still didn't turn out a little weird.

My .02 ;)

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Ethics and morals.

come on man... if you disqualify everyone who has done something unethical or immoral, then there would be NO ONE left to teach.

we have all done stuff thats "immoral" or "unethical" (either by our own standards, or by someone else's). me. you. everyone. the only difference is that hers was published in a magazine.

besides that... none of us know the full story. maybe her gramma was sick and it was the only way she could get the money? who knows.

we should not be so quick to judge.

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my cliff notes of the video

Fat 16 y/o girl can't be on the cheer team

cries to mommy

mommy digs for dirt on coach for revenge and finds it

coach gets fired for modeling with playboy......

& :lol: @ the first parent they talked to i woulda said the same

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