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Baking-type people, help finding ingredient please.


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So, the other day my GF found a recipe for some amazing cupcakes that fit into our diet. Unfortunately, one of the ingredients is Hershey's Cinnamon Chips. These seem to be pretty hard to find. I was wondering if anyone knew of a year-round source for these in the area. Buying online usually means doubling or tripling the price when it comes to shipping.


The recipe:


15oz Canned Pumpkin

1 Box Yellow Cake Mix (just the dry mix, no other ingredients off the box)

1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice

Cinnamon Chips (mix in, or sprinkle a few on top to cut more points)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray muffin tin with cooking spray. Spoon in to cups 2/3 full. Bake 15 minutes.


We figured out the cupcakes come to about 2.5pts each on the Weight Watchers scale. They're super moist, kinda dense, and don't rise much, but they're super tasty.


Thanks for any help locating those chips.

Edited by Draco-REX
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