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Obama plans high-speed rail in US


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Really? I thought many on here wouldn't be fans of this proposal. Interesting.

The jury is still out for me. It works in other countries, but I don't know how many in the US will be open to this idea.

What is the likelihood of surviving a high speed train accident? I'd assume it's MUCH better than falling from the sky at 30,000ft.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Really? I thought many on here wouldn't be fans of those proposal. Interesting.

The jury is still out for me. It works in other countries, but I don't know how many in the US will be open to this idea.

What is the likelihood of surviving a high speed train accident? I'd assume it's MUCH better than falling from the sky at 30,000ft.

SRSLY? Did you forget the crash last year in Cali? That was only at 45 mph IIRC.

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Humm another government run business, I bet it would be about as good as Amtrak.

Government used to run the old Conrail before they disolved, and from what my old Trainmaster says....It ran VERY smoothly

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fucking awesome -1

there's a reason the government is building it: there IS NOT a profit to be made here. if there was, someone else would have jumped on it by now, like Branson over at Virgin. if the rail does end up profitable, it will only be because the "company" doesnt owe billions for it's construction.

Personally, i would like something like this (assuming it's better than flying) but I will guarantee you this will have to be federally subsidized throughout it's entire existence by tax dollars paid in by people who will never use it. Thus, we'll end up with yet another gov't program paid out by the deficit.

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now we just need the metric system and everything will be gravy.

Hey, when I was in school they said we'll be using the metric system by the time I graduate. So obviously it's already happened . . . then I found out my dad was told that in school too.

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Which metric? there is like 12 or 14 different popular metric systems, compared to one SAE. I use both, but it can be tricky using some of the odd metric systems.

High Speed rail in Europe has infrastructure that doesn't exist here. That will be an uphill battle. But I want to see it happen anyway. We have to get the rail right-of-ways back, improve them for high speed, and eliminate all the crossings. Making all roadways go over or under. That's what is in Europe. The exceptions are little farm dirt roads, and the farmer knows not to be hit by a high speed train.

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Live in Toledo, work in Cincy....

Fucking BAD ASS!



Keep dreaming. It will never happen. Our country is :broke: how do they plan to pay for it? Seeing as how I work on the RR, I think I may have a little bit of insight on the topic. The cost just to go from Toledo to Cincy would be astronomical. I'm not talking millions people. It would be in the billions to get high speed rail just in that short of a distance. And now they wanna do it nationwide? please.

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