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Never going to Brazil.. ever. NWS on video link, not the thread itself.


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An amateur soccer match in Brazil turned into a horrific, ugly scene last week when a referee was beheaded on the field after he stabbed and killed a player. Match referee Octavio da Silva Catanhede Jordan had issued a red card to Josenir dos Santos Abreu in a northeast Brazilian soccer game on June 30, but the player was apparently fed up with the call and continued arguing with the referee, refusing to leave the field at the Pius XII, Maranhao. Then, the scene got very ugly. Jordan reportedly had a knife with him, and the 20-year-old referee began stabbing Santos Abreu multiple times on the field. The 31-year-0ld player was pronounced dead when he later arrived to the hospital, but not before the scene at the match got even more chaotic. In response to Jordan’s attack on Santos Abreu, several spectators — presumably family and friends — fled from the stands and onto the field, where they attacked the referee, decapitated him and eventually hung his head on a stake. One man has reportedly been arrested in connection to the attack on the referee. The investigation is ongoing and suspects are being questioned, according to Brazilian police chief Valter Costa. “Reports of witnesses have indicated some people that were in place at the time of the fact,” Costa said. “We will identify and hold accountable all those involved. A crime will never justify another. Actions like this do not collaborate with the legality of a state law.” The story is bad publicity for Brazil, which hosts the 2014 World Cup next summer.


Read more at: http://nesn.com/2013/07/brazilian-soccer-referee-beheaded-on-field-after-stabbing-player/

Good luck in the Olympics in 2014.


NWS VIDEO... :nws::nws:



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All this over soccer? Good lord. What have people become?


Tell me, what would you think would happen if an umpire stabbed a ball player at Fenway? or an OSU RB in the 'shoe... Don't give me the by the book answer but what you think would genuinely In Real Life happen in such a situation


In Brazil, soccer is life itself... Why else do you think the gold standard in the sport is the Selecao (Brazil's National Team), with its 5 World Cup titles?

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Tell me, what would you think would happen if an umpire stabbed a ball player at Fenway? or an OSU RB in the 'shoe... Don't give me the by the book answer but what you think would genuinely In Real Life happen in such a situation


In Brazil, soccer is life itself... Why else do you think the gold standard in the sport is the Selecao (Brazil's National Team), with its 5 World Cup titles?


I dont watch sports so I could care less.... I would like to think cops that are stationed around said arena to tackle or shoot the person. We are not barbarians, who cuts off someones head and puts it on a stake? There must be an overabundance of simple people in brazil. Plus it is just a game, why are sports taken so seriously in the first place. It doesnt affect your day to day life, nothing in your life will change by a team winning or losing but obviously the Ref had some mental issue or anger problems to stab someone then mob mentality kicked in and people rushed the field. Its all just stupidity of people in general.

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And to think that when the movie Rollerball was released in 1975, most of us thought it too dystopian to believe. Watching it now (or other movies such as Network or Brazil) drives home the point of how society has grown ever closer to what, 40 years ago, was our vision of the worst case scenario.



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