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Down 100 pounds as of today since Jan 1st, WOOT!


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Outstanding job, if you are looking to get into strongman I wouldn't do crossfit. Crossfit is a high intensity interval training regiment that will tone more then anything. It does very little to substantially build bigger muscles. Before you punch drinking crossfit fools come out of the wood ward, I don't have anything against it, just his goals are more in the lines of power lifting. There are a lot of great powerlifting gyms in the area, first thing is to build a base by getting in there and starting from the bottom. I like to use the NASM five phases. Google it and if that seems up your alley go for it, feel free to shoot me any questions. I may or may not know what I am talking about :)


you don't know idiot. :p


i concur crossfit is "trendy" , and easy to fatigue and injure...its very explosive.


Go to metro fitness in worthington :)

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