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just briefly reading over some of the law suits against the nfl, nhl and college football saddens me to think that one day these sports might no longer exist. the law suits might not hurt the businesses to much, but the rules that will be enforced will more than likely make the sport unbearable to watch.

it just blows me away that these people know damn well what they are getting themselves into when they go to play these sports and they choose to ignore their personal safety in order to make millions or have the opportunity to make millions. then at the end of their career, they want to turn around and say that they never knew this could happen and its not their fault

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The NFL is already flag football basically. You can't hit a qb without a flag being thrown, players like Jack Tatum would be arrested for the way they played if they were still alive and playing today. I love the pro athletes that talk about how they will never let their kid play contact sports. I do agree that in 25 years or so it'll be either a completely different product or non existent. The cliche of people getting faster, stronger, bigger is absolutely true. If you go back and look at the sizes of players 25 years ago to the ones today it's crazy. 260-275lbs was a big lineman, that's some runing back and quarterbacks weights now. You have dudes weighing 300lbs, 9% body fat and running like deer today.
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Yeah, we are a hop skip and a jump from watching people getting killed on tv. Bigger, faster, more accurate... Its like a car wreck when some of these guys cross at full speed. I hate to say it because I love football, but the long term issues and chances for serious injury are getting worse.
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Yeah, we are a hop skip and a jump from watching people getting killed on tv. Bigger, faster, more accurate... Its like a car wreck when some of these guys cross at full speed. I hate to say it because I love football, but the long term issues and chances for serious injury are getting worse.




Hell go look at the kids being recruited out of highschool today, some of these guys are absolutely jacked. You give them a real strength/conditioning program, a nutritionist and they become even bigger

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just briefly reading over some of the law suits against the nfl, nhl and college football saddens me to think that one day these sports might no longer exist. the law suits might not hurt the businesses to much, but the rules that will be enforced will more than likely make the sport unbearable to watch.

it just blows me away that these people know damn well what they are getting themselves into when they go to play these sports and they choose to ignore their personal safety in order to make millions or have the opportunity to make millions. then at the end of their career, they want to turn around and say that they never knew this could happen and its not their fault


In the NFL's case the argument is not that the player knew the risks but that the league knew the inherent risks with brain damage as it relates to quality of life after they're done playing. Now if the player's lawsuit can prove that the league knew the risks of prolonged head injuries and DIDN'T inform the players then they have a case.


Personally I think you have to be a complete moron to not think that having multiple concussions wouldn't lead to serious health problems later on in life, then again professional athletes aren't usually the brightest individuals either.


That being said, I've played hockey most of my life and I love the game but I don't think I'll encourage my child to play. Concussions in hockey are much more frequent than in football, but ultimately I will let my child decide what he wants to play.

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Hell go look at the kids being recruited out of highschool today, some of these guys are absolutely jacked. You give them a real strength/conditioning program, a nutritionist and they become even bigger


My son is 5'8 180, runs a 4.9 40 yard dash and is 13 years old. Its getting crazy.

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My son is 5'8 180, runs a 4.9 40 yard dash and is 13 years old. Its getting crazy.


I was talking to my grandma yesterday about my cousin who is going to be a freshman this year at Utica and she told me he is up over 300 on the bench. I know a couple guys who could do that as freshman when I was in school but they were doing it the 2nd half of the school year, not the summer before entering highschool haha. There is no way in hell I could put up 300lbs today haha

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My son is 5'8 180, runs a 4.9 40 yard dash and is 13 years old. Its getting crazy.


That's nuts.


Here's a pic of my distant cousin and his boy. Cuz is 6'8" I believe and at the time of this pic his boy was 4 years old. Tested for gigantism and any other medical reason he is so big. Everything seems legit. He eats fairly healthy and doesn't eat more than other kids his size. Docs say he's in good health as far as vitals go. At 3 he was too big to ride any kiddie rides at Kings Island. At 5 he fit pretty well on a full sized quad. Could reach all controls and the like (no, they didn't let him run one himself). The kid is awesome and loves life. He's just...huge. Already, at 6, he's 2/3 the size of hiw 17 year old brother (yes, biological).



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