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man on gsxr+wheelie+speed bump=laughter


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so today me,ron,mclovin,and a few guys from coshocton are sitting outside of iron pony debating on where to eat. a guy on what i think was a gsxr 1000 rides past the enterance doors towards the side exit of the parking lot. looks over at all of us and waves(mclovin and i think that it is the same guy we saw a few weeks ago at a gas station but thats a whole different story altogether). so he waves and we watch. bike revs and the front end comes off the ground in this guys moment of glory. he rides the wheelie for about 50 feet or so and sets it down. he is either color blind or just stupid because there is a massive yellow speedbump quickly approaching while he was in the wheelie.

so this feeling of whatever greatness this guy got from his wheelie suddenly went down the shitter when he sets the front end down about 2 feet before the speedbump. he hits this speedbump somewhere around what we estimate to be in the 40mph range. bike goes completely airborne, turns sideways slightly in the air, and lands and it took all that this guy had to keep from smashing into the pavement.

we laugh in amazement.

moral of the story: acting like billy badass in iron pony parking lot can get you into a squirrely situation.

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thats a good one... i have a CBR + Wheelie + Bump + Street + Tree = Totalled bike and dumbass story

we as in my GF, Roomate and myself were all outside of our apartment workin on the bikes when this dude on a 2007 CBR 1000 rolls up asked us to help him with his intergrated tail light it wasnt working... long story short the dude clipped 2 of the wires way short it wouldnt reach therefor couldnt work.. so we said get home and change to the stocker.. so he leaves bout 20 mins later we hear him heading back up the apartment road towards us and facing the main street. then we hear the familiar clutch grab and the front end comes up he rides it right past us.. sets it down about 30 feet from the main street.. about 30-40 mph... locks up the rear slides toward the street.. lets go of the bike falls off the back in the middle of the street.. slides into the grass across the street. the bike continues across the street into the grass then PLOWS and tree head on.. the aftermath well you can imagine.. lol to boot the dude wasnt wearing a helmet and had shorts and flipflops

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it all happened in a matter of a few seconds and you can believe it or not but it made my day.

we were laughing so fricken hard! in a bout 1 sec guy went from front wheel up to level to rear wheel 3 ft in the air with front about a foot off the ground we all just watched in amazment! haha

:plus1: i really LOL

i think we all did for the rest of the day haha made that ride home worth it!

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