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If street racing was legal...


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  Jones said:
Thanks Eminem.


You were safe initially but since you wanted to open your mouth and let a little cum dribble out, we can discuss you now.



Do you honestly believe your that important? Nobody likes you and everyone talks about you behind your back, (really just laughing at you and your life and obsession with girls cars). You have no leg to stand on because of the way you look and dress. Your only acheivment in this life was becoming a mod on cr. I really believe that your trapped in the closet. In reality your car would probably be ok if you were not the owner of it. Do you even know what racing is? Do you even know how to change your own oil? I think you and Tim would make a perfect couple. You two could sit by the fire put together, sipping on you moscato while interlocking your pinky fingers together. Looking in to each others loving eyes as you revel in your false sense of superiority and the day that gay marriage becomes legal in Ohio. As you two move in for a kiss, Tim stops you as he notices the cum on your lips. He questions if its minority cum or not. You deny it as the two of you giggle together before making sweet gay sex. Shut your ugly face and go play with one of your new cell phone super batteries you twit. Oh by the way you still have a little man cum on your lips. Wipe that nasty shit off before you are in my presence.

Edited by KennyFKINPowerz
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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
You were safe initially but since you wanted to open your mouth and let a little cum dribble out, we can discuss you now.



Do you honestly believe your that important? Nobody likes you and everyone talks about you behind your back, (really just laughing at you and your life and obsession with girls cars). You have no leg to stand on because of the way you look and dress. Your only acheivment in this life was becoming a mod on cr. I really believe that your trapped in the closet. In reality your car would probably be ok if you were not the owner of it. Do you even know what racing is? Do you even know how to change your own oil? I think you and Tim would make a perfect couple. You two could sit by the fire put together, sipping on you moscato while interlocking your pinky fingers together. Looking in to each others loving eyes as you revel in your false sense of superiority. As you two move in for a kiss, Tim stops you as he notices the cum on your lips. He questions if its minority cum or not. You deny it as the two of you giggle together before making sweet gay sex. Shut your ugly face and go play with one of your new cell phone super batteries you twit. Oh by the way you still have a little man cum on your lips. Wipe that nasty shit off before you are in my presence.



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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
You were safe initially but since you wanted to open your mouth and let a little cum dribble out, we can discuss you now.



Do you honestly believe your that important? Nobody likes you and everyone talks about you behind your back, (really just laughing at you and your life and obsession with girls cars). You have no leg to stand on because of the way you look and dress. Your only acheivment in this life was becoming a mod on cr. I really believe that your trapped in the closet. In reality your car would probably be ok if you were not the owner of it. Do you even know what racing is? Do you even know how to change your own oil? I think you and Tim would make a perfect couple. You two could sit by the fire put together, sipping on you moscato while interlocking your pinky fingers together. Looking in to each others loving eyes as you revel in your false sense of superiority and the day that gay marriage becomes legal in Ohio. As you two move in for a kiss, Tim stops you as he notices the cum on your lips. He questions if its minority cum or not. You deny it as the two of you giggle together before making sweet gay sex. Shut your ugly face and go play with one of your new cell phone super batteries you twit. Oh by the way you still have a little man cum on your lips. Wipe that nasty shit off before you are in my presence.

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Kenny, do everyone in here a favor and take your fucking Ritalin before you get off on someone again. You come off like a 12 year old Asperger's patient throwing a fit. I haven't seen anyone as rustled since Eli asked Tina Green (version 1.0) if she wanted to do her "Dika-dika-doo" pagan magic on the euchre deck before he dealt himself a loner. Fill, I blame you for this. You know you can't wave ice cream in front of "Angry German Kid" and not end up with someones desk getting punched. Edited by Orion
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:lol: who let Mr. Allen out of his hospital bed? so angry, so descriptive, so sexaully charged. Too much detail was put into jones lips, cum, and tim. You had it until you went into what seems to be vivid detail, so vivid it was almost like you were there. A fly on the wall so to speak. Knowing you, i bet you stayed & watched the encounter. Were you turned on by Tims groce knees or Jones sense of fashion? So much for racing, CR should be better
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  Orion said:
Kenny, do everyone in here a favor and take your fucking Ritalin before you get off on someone again. You come off like a 12 year old Asperger's patient throwing a fit. I haven't seen anyone as rustled since Eli asked Tina Green if she wanted to do her "Dika-dika-doo" pagan magic on the euchre deck before he dealt himself a loner. Fill, I blame you for this. You know you can't wave ice cream in front of "Angry German Kid" and not end up with someones desk getting punched.


You obviously are soooooooo lost that you don't get this.


Maybe you should go off yourself in a public manner so we can all be rid of your ignorance.


Don't even get me started on you Chub Rock.



This is the kitchen. If you don't like it then, well, kill yourself.

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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
Do you even know what racing is?



I could be mistaken, due to my admitted lack of time at 1/4 mile tracks, but I do believe your white race car on slicks lost to my 4 door soccer mom "girly car" with a stock 3.0L V6.


Again, given I don't do much 1/4 mile racing, I could be mistaken, but I thought that was your hoopty. Maybe in the next 10 years I can make it out to another 1/4 mile event, when I'm not doing racing that requires turning and braking.


I have no issue with you, but you seem to have formed a rather odd opinion of me. As if I hail from some Country Club in New Albany. Certainly you know nothing of my life, where I come from or who I am. I'm not participating in the Tim VS John debate, I'm not here to judge how "hood" you are, or your life and choices. We're all here to make the best we can out of our lives for us and our families. Do your own thing..

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  FILL said:
:lol: who let Mr. Allen out of his hospital bed? so angry, so descriptive, so sexaully charged. Too much detail was put into jones lips, cum, and tim. You had it until you went into what seems to be vivid detail, so vivid it was almost like you were there. A fly on the wall so to speak. Knowing you, i bet you stayed & watched the encounter. Were you turned on by Tims groce knees or Jones sense of fashion? So much for racing, CR should be better




I was kinda secretly turned on.

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  Jones said:
I could be mistaken, due to my admitted lack of time at 1/4 mile tracks, but I do believe your white race car on slicks lost to my 4 door soccer mom "girly car" with a stock 3.0L V6.


Again, given I don't do much 1/4 mile racing, I could be mistaken, but I thought that was your hoopty. Maybe in the next 10 years I can make it out to another 1/4 mile event, when I'm not doing racing that requires turning and braking.


I have no issue with you, but you seem to have formed a rather odd opinion of me. As if I hail from some Country Club in New Albany. Certainly you know nothing of my life, where I come from or who I am. I'm not participating in the Tim VS John debate, I'm not here to judge how "hood" you are, or your life and choices. We're all here to make the best we can out of our lives for us and our families. Do your own thing..




Only a chach like you would respond with such responsibility! grow some man nuts in your tight ass khakis and tell that ghetto hillbilly how you really feel.. CALL HIM A WIGGER!!! isnt that what rich white people call poor white people? :fuckyeah:

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  FILL said:
Only a chach like you would respond with such responsibility! grow some man nuts in your tight ass khakis and tell that ghetto hillbilly how you really feel.. CALL HIM A WIGGER!!! isnt that what rich white people call poor white people? :fuckyeah:


I'd hate to reinforce the stereotype he has formed of me.

I know how much he hates stereotypes...

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  Jones said:
I could be mistaken, due to my admitted lack of time at 1/4 mile tracks, but I do believe your white race car on slicks lost to my 4 door soccer mom "girly car" with a stock 3.0L V6.


Again, given I don't do much 1/4 mile racing, I could be mistaken, but I thought that was your hoopty. Maybe in the next 10 years I can make it out to another 1/4 mile event, when I'm not doing racing that requires turning and braking.


I have no issue with you, but you seem to have formed a rather odd opinion of me. As if I hail from some Country Club in New Albany. Certainly you know nothing of my life, where I come from or who I am. I'm not participating in the Tim VS John debate, I'm not here to judge how "hood" you are, or your life and choices. We're all here to make the best we can out of our lives for us and our families. Do your own thing..


First off

My 3500.00 car

Your 50k car. Uhhhh yeah. It takes you 50k to be faster than a 3500.00 car? You just lost all credibility in the auto world.


I have no issue with you either. Just responding to your comment on this thread. You came with a knife and I responded with a tank.


I'm not hood. I live in Blacklick lol. Why would you say such a discriminating thing?

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  Jones said:
I'd hate to reinforce the stereotype he has formed of me.

I know how much he hates stereotypes...


LOL stereotypes



I personally love a good bose stereo, great qaulity, a little pricey, but hey you get what you paid for....AMIRITE?

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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
You obviously are soooooooo lost that you don't get this.


Maybe you should go off yourself in a public manner so we can all be rid of your ignorance.


Don't even get me started on you Chub Rock.



This is the kitchen. If you don't like it then, well, kill yourself.


I often get lost in the ramblings of the clinically retarded, "making sense" is not something they routinely do. Looking around me, I see lot's of others in the same boat, and I consider that good company.


My ignorance is the only thing that compels me to communicate with you. I am ignorant of many psychological and sociological disorders, and my intuition suggests you may have a lot to teach me about how the mind of the main character in "Flowers for Algernon" worked before and after the surgery.


"Chub Rock". I hear better stuff than that from PP in the CB. You HAVE to have better fat jokes at your disposal than that. Don't make me go "Roxanne" on this fucking place.

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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
First off

My 3500.00 car

Your 50k car. Uhhhh yeah. It takes you 50k to be faster than a 3500.00 car? You just lost all credibility in the auto world.


The $3500 car that you assured me for 3 months leading up to track day was going to destroy my 300hp 4200lb car. That car was engineered to haul children safely at 28-30mpg and do well in snow. Not drag race. I was happy it broke 14's. Let alone win against that crazy loud 2 door sports car. :gabe:

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  Orion said:
I often get lost in the ramblings of the clinically retarded, "making sense" is not something they routinely do. Looking around me, I see lot's of others in the same boat, and I consider that good company.


My ignorance is the only thing that compels me to communicate with you. I am ignorant of many psychological and sociological disorders, and my intuition suggests you may have a lot to teach me about how the mind of the main character in "Flowers for Algernon" worked before and after the surgery.


"Chub Rock". I hear better stuff than that from PP in the CB. You HAVE to have better fat jokes at your disposal than that. Don't make me go "Roxanne" on this fucking place.


I have a feeling that you get lost in just about anything that requires any sense. That pretty much sums up your attempt to engage me. Your not even on my level. Go back read some more threads and come back when you have something better. Your right I probably could teach you about all sorts of mental disorders. My only hope is that knowledge will help you cope better. It's important that people with your needs feel comfortable.


Looking around you? Right now? Are they all literally around you right now?


I would bet money that you have no clue on the chub rock reference. Whats funny is it had nothing to do with disgusting fatness spilling over on to the sidewalk.

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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
I have a feeling that you get lost in just about anything that requires any sense. That pretty much sums up your attempt to engage me. Your not even on my level. Go back read some more threads and come back when you have something better. Your right I probably could teach you about all sorts of mental disorders. My only hope is that knowledge will help you cope better. It's important that people with your needs feel comfortable.


Looking around you? Right now? Are they all literally around you right now?


I would bet money that you have no clue on the chub rock reference. Whats funny is it had nothing to do with disgusting fatness spilling over on to the sidewalk.


So I made John the queen of my double wide trailer

With the polyester curtains and the redwood deck

Times he's run off and I've got to trail him

Dang his black heart and his pretty red neck

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If we're talking about the same chubby black dude from "Jamaican Me Crazy", then, yeah, I got it. Given that you even misspelled his name, I was assuming that it was YOU who weren't on board...like, even with yourself.


They are literally around me, right now. I am teaching a class on critical thinking, and several of my students are reading over my shoulder. I'm filing this under, "When keepin' it real goes wrong" with a subheading of "Dumb".


BTW, I just had you described to me as wearing a cutoff shirt and tokin a black'n'mild. Tell me you aren't from Detroit.

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  Jones said:
The $3500 car that you assured me for 3 months leading up to track day was going to destroy my 300hp 4200lb car. That car was engineered to haul children safely at 28-30mpg and do well in snow. Not drag race. I was happy it broke 14's. Let alone win against that crazy loud 2 door sports car. :gabe:


Wow wow wow bub. 3 months really? You must have ran over your head with that heavy ass 50k car. Haul children? That's one expensive race bus.


You can try and try but there is no comparison. Your trying to compare a 3500.00 pile of lt1 shit to your highly tuned 50k car. Either way you still look bad.

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  KennyFKINPowerz said:
Wow wow wow bub. 3 months really? You must have ran over your head with that heavy ass 50k car. Haul children? That's one expensive race bus.


You can try and try but there is no comparison. Your trying to compare a 3500.00 pile of lt1 shit to your highly tuned 50k car. Either way you still look bad.


You called the car out, you lost to it.

It was a 3.0L V6 that had an off the shelf tune added and a slightly smaller pulley. 100% stock exhaust and intake, with full cats, completely untouched.


If that's highly tuned, your LT1 car was the space shuttle.


Who cares now, it's in the past, and we can move on.



Back on topic, I'd race Phil, from a dig, for 20 McChickens.

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