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Finally got tint/plate ticket - cop "let me keep my car"


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How do you "possess" child pr0n? I mean, is the guy taking photos/videos and storing them on a hard drive, or is he saving shit off the intarbutts?


FULL DISCLOSURE: I've got nothing to hide, unlike the rest of you pervs :) Just curious how someone gets busted for something like that...


You do know that your internet traffic is monitored, right ?

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This is same asshole who pulled me over for "speeding" and gave me a tint ticket/offset license plate ticket. So let me just say the following:






So you got ticketed for 2 things you know are illegal, but did anyway.




(Yes, I have been ticketed for tint/plate before, but it's the risk you run)

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Wow, this guy is a piece of work. He tried to tow my car last time he pulled me over and we waited more than an hour for the tow truck. I actually video taped him during the last stop just to show how ignorant this fuck is.
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Welp, that's definitely POSSESSION of pr0n. Props to his wife for turning the guy in.


That is pretty sick, and I can't imagine the whole "restitution" process with your family...:no:

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If he had pulled me over and jacked with me like some of you guys,...I'd send him mail everyday in jail for a while just to fuck with him. Any car pic with no front plate or dark tint would be in an envelope headed his way with a nice letter giving him his medicine...that is if the inmates don't find out if he's a ex-cop first...lol.


Send a few of his cell neighbors some mail showing a pic of him in uniform and all the bs he got busted for as well, welcome to paradise loser!

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I wouldn't call him getting caught karma.

What he did has nothing to do with being a prick on the job. What he did was far worse and should pay the price of what he had done. What a sick horrible man.

He got in trouble for having child porn and spying on people.

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I just checked the Franklin County Clerk of courts website for the officer that gave my wife a ticket for "OPERATION WITH PROHIBITED WINDOW TINT". It was Stewart Miller Officer #421. She got pulled over about 4 month back on 270 just east of 71N for illegal tint. She had a note from her doctor for the tint, but it wasn't the correct percentage. Note said 15% tint, his meter read like 13%. I had to go with her to court, and it was dropped in pretrial by the prosecutor. All because that cop wants to be a dick. Karma is a bitch, glad it got him.
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