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Bugatti Spotted on Hwy between Logan and Lancaster

Tha Kernal

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Spend any real time in westbygod and you'll notice the disparity between the rich and poor is greater than the rest of the country. There are amazingly rich folks down there but it is almost like a fuedal society in some places.
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LOL at the people who think only the people around C-bus have money, There's plenty of people in Lancaster, logan, Athens, WV that will buy and sell these fucks in Dublin and Delaware.


They just don't flaunt it with BMW's and Polo Shirts


Plate is gay though


I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

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I'm always a fan of people who put the make or model of their car on their vanity plate. Congratulations, you've just paid money to advertise what was already apparent from the badging on your car.


I'm ambivalent on the parking job. I can guess I can see it from both perspectives, though I lean more toward it's a douchey thing to do.

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I'd be pissed at the parking job if it was a car $100,000 and under but a $1.5 million and up car, no issue with that. Especially with all the people that want to get close to it and look.


Totally agree, especially if it's away from everyone else.

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I don't have an issue with him parking like that. The one time you park like a normal human is the one time some douche that doesn't know what it is parks next to you and slams his door against it.


If you park that normal some disgruntled shithead that can't make a smart decision his entire life and blames everyone for his problems will ding it on purpose.

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If you park like that, then people will assume you're a dick with a sense of entitlement that comes along with your expensive car.


If you don't park like that, then people will assume you're a moron that's looking to get your expensive door dinged.


Ironically, parking like that will make some people want to ding your door on purpose.

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So, if your a cop do you give him the parking ticket?


No can do. It's private property.


If it was me i would closed the parking lot and pay for the lost of revenues of the hour I was there. Or just hire the waitresses stand by the car and make sure no one touch it. Fuck!!! I'm driving a Bugatti with Bugatti license plate for god sake. And oh yeah, I just bought the Stake n Shake too, so fuck off.....
























































God please don't let me win the lottery

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I have no prob with him parking like that. At least he's out driving the car and its not sitting in a garage with him and his buds talking about it and drinking colt 45s. Or whatever it is rich people do. The plate is super gay though
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I have no issues with that parking. Once you're paying a million plus for cars, do what you have to to keep people away. No different than the ropes around the pricey cars at the shows. If you don't, people will inevitably fuck with it. Also, he could have very well been away from all the close spots by the building. Hard to tell here. Some consideration could have been made.
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