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I have a bad capacitor on my unit outside and Im hoping one of the HVAC guys on here has one on their van. There is all kinds of numbers on the capacitor and I cant tell which one is needed to identify it for parts.


I'll pay whatever as long as its no more than 5 times the cost of the part at the parts store that wont be open until Tuesday. I will drive anywhere to get it.


Im going to get it fixed when the place is open and normally I wouldnt give a fuck and Id strip down to my boxers, but I have a 4 month old son here thats starting to look shiny.



35uf 5uf 370vac

+06-06% 50/60Hz

protected P968

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Window unit in the kids room as a band-aid? Just an idea the help with that issue, sorry I can't help you about the part. Maybe take a picture of the cap and post it on here? We might be able to help with a secondary source, know which numbers are pertinent.


I have a portable indoor unit I use in the deep south in my camper and its keeping everyone cool in the living room.


Hit up Grainger.

Is the cap physically expanded/burst?



They have had everything I've ever needed in stock, motors, contactors, caps, boards, just about anything. If it's after hours, for $50 they will drive back in and give it to you. Can't beat it.


It has expanded/burst. Id be willing to pay them folks 50 for AC. We are spoiled as a people.



I won't be home for awhile, but I have one if you don't find one by the time I can get to it


I will pm you my number and if you indeed have on e you would be willing to come off HIT ME UP PLEASE...


How did you determine it was a capacitor.


And that a basic 5/35uf capacitor.


I called my cousin who is a bad ass HVAC guy that doesnt live around here. I explained what problems I was having and he called off the get go. I grabbed my trusty 5/16" klein nut driver and pulled the panel and saw the "bloated" capacitor with a little oil on it.

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Hit up Grainger.

Is the cap physically expanded/burst?


They have had everything I've ever needed in stock, motors, contactors, caps, boards, just about anything. If it's after hours, for $50 they will drive back in and give it to you. Can't beat it.


How does this work? What number do you call for that service?




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