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Name that movie!


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I am utterly stumped.


Cliff notes:

Kidnapping movie

On an island

Famous actors

If you said the name of the movie I would know it instantly



There was a movie from the 90's where one of the big scenes near the end involves a man who has kidnapped his once-wife and has her hostage in a beachside/waterside cabin. He has murdered a man she was once involved with and buried him underneath the top stair of his newly built gazebo that sits atop a cliff. A protagonist male says "hey, I see you built another stair going up the gazebo" and, your wife/ex-wife is worried that you killed someone. Can I please break apart that top stair to make sure no one is buried there". The bad guy (husband) says "sure thing" and the good guy proceeds to take sledgehammer to the top stair and uncovers a dead body. As soon as he does that the bad guy hits him with a shovel and the good guy falls off the cliff and lands in a little motor boat.




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