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Putin Address American people through NYtimes article.


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Being both a US and Colombian citizen I have always found it funny when people here get offended at people from other countries saying they are equal to us. It is an interesting article. Hopefully Putin is using these events to make him look better to the world, if that's the case he will have to do the right thing here.
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It's fucked up that I'm in much more agreement with the Ruskies than the US Head of State.


Obama got played, hard. This whole debacle unfortunately illustrates the primary concern I had when he ran in 2008. The President can not get on the job training and The White House is not for amateurs with no experience. Maybe the idiots that voted for him will finally realize that now, after America looks foolish in the eyes of the world.

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It's fucked up that I'm in much more agreement with the Ruskies than the US Head of State.


Obama got played, hard. This whole debacle unfortunately illustrates the primary concern I had when he ran in 2008. The President can not get on the job training and The White House is not for amateurs with no experience. Maybe the idiots that voted for him will finally realize that now, after America looks foolish in the eyes of the world.


What experience did Mittens have? What experience did any other president have? I would venture to guess that NOTHING can prepare a person for the presidency.


This just brings out the conspiracy guy in me. What brings a guy like Obama to be fighting for military intervention? Very few would have seen this scenario per 2008. It's kind of amazing to me.

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It's fucked up that I'm in much more agreement with the Ruskies than the US Head of State.


Obama got played, hard. This whole debacle unfortunately illustrates the primary concern I had when he ran in 2008. The President can not get on the job training and The White House is not for amateurs with no experience. Maybe the idiots that voted for him will finally realize that now, after America looks foolish in the eyes of the world.


Look I agree with puttin on this one but last time i checked we got osama?


This is a sticky situation and I think the use of chemical wepons is wrong.

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I'm generally not a political type person....just can't get into it. I did however read that article and agree with him that we must abide by what the UN decides. That's the whole reason for it. We can't just do what we want. Not to mention I think if you ask most of the people in this country no one here wants another war with some piss ant country over there.
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I like how the only way the situation got any real attention from the media was through the use of chemical weapons during a slow news period.


They have been in a civil war since the Arab spring movement in 2010-2011 and Libya revolted as well, got UN support and removed Colonel Gaddafi summer of 2011. Syria hasn't gotten much UN help yet and deserves it just as much. I typically side with republicans, but find it appalling that they have tried to spin this as "helping terrorists" when we all know if they had the decision to make they would have already bombed them.


To be honest Obama is just sabre rattling and I bet Syria knows it. He's just hoping to scare them into a peaceful solution when all that is really needed is air support and some logistics bombing by the US or UN. The Syrian rebels have done a great job of fighting a government with superior fire power and resources and have nearly defeated them a few times over the past couple years.


I watch this stuff closely as its tied into the stock market. I made some huge trades during the 2011 movements caused by those civil wars.

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What experience did Mittens have? What experience did any other president have? I would venture to guess that NOTHING can prepare a person for the presidency.


This just brings out the conspiracy guy in me. What brings a guy like Obama to be fighting for military intervention? Very few would have seen this scenario per 2008. It's kind of amazing to me.


Mittens had experience leading an entire state, Obama had experience leading what?


You are correct, nothing can 100% prepare you for presidency, but leading something greater than a club at college does the trick.


Look back at the better and actual leaders of this country and they all had leadership postions at the state level.


Obama is not a leader and this is just another example of his lack of skills.

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If you'd told people in 1983 that in 30 years the president of Russia would be sheltering an American whistleblower who exposed massive state surveillance, and would be attempting to prevent direct American intervention in a middle eastern nation's civil war, every single person would assume you'd gotten your countries mixed up.
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Seems about right


you never grabbed your dick back then... yet you want to run your mouth now? You got called out to have your chance to "Call me out" and you opted to stay silent....


Here's the chronology if you don't recall...









Let me guess... no response?

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