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RIP Granddad

Otis Nice

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Some of you may remember this post. Sadly he passed away Tuesday morning. It was VERY unexpected as shortly after that birthday party his Doc gave him a clean bill of health. Happily, he's with his wife, children, brothers and sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, and countless other loved ones who he unfortunately had to bury. Comes with the territory of living that long.


I'm not here with a sob story nor am I looking for mourning. He was in good spirits his entire life. He lived for God, family, and country. If you go to Adams Co. and mention his name to anyone they know him. I've had waitresses tell me that he married three generations of their fam. We've had police officers who have pulled us over tell us, "make sure you tell Ivan I said hi."


A few years back he was given the opportunity to play a legit Srtadivarius which had sold at auction for $1.2 million. When he was finished he was asked, "This is the finest of instruments. What did you think of it?" to which he replied, "it's just an old fiddle. Plays like the three I've got." :lol:


His story is remarkable. His legacy is unforgettable.


See ya later Granddad. You'll be missed momentarily. I'll see you again someday.




Papaw that passed 2 years ago (left) and Grandad (right).




Even if you live to be 103, remember, life is short. Hug your family. Hike a new trail. Drive a new road. Get outside more often. Turn of electronics. Play with the kids. Read a new book. Enjoy life. It's beautiful.

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Sorry for your loss. That old picture is cool. ever thought about having it cleaned up and restored?


Haven't even though about it. My aunt was VERY close to him. She was there Sunday when he had whatever they're calling the attack was. She'd go down there (about 2 hour drive one way) every Sunday to spend the afternoon with him. It's her favorite.


I should get this done for her so she could hang it in her new condo. How would I go about doing that in a cost effective manner?

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Haven't even though about it. My aunt was VERY close to him. She was there Sunday when he had whatever they're calling the attack was. She'd go down there (about 2 hour drive one way) every Sunday to spend the afternoon with him. It's her favorite.


I should get this done for her so she could hang it in her new condo. How would I go about doing that in a cost effective manner?


I'd try here first



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Thanks Buck and Tim. I think it's human nature. Most of the time this happens loved ones wonder if they spent enough time with them. If those that passed knew how much they cared/loved them.


With Granddad I surely believe he knows how much he was adored. I still wish I had spent more time with him though. That will never go away. Same with grandpa pictured there.

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