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CCW class with a 4 open seats. Sunday, October 20th


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Having my own range allows me the freedom to teach more effectively without the confusion of patrons at a public range. Meaning, the quality of instruction per student with me, can be where I need it to be for me to get to know the student and how they are as a shooter.


The CR rate is $75 per person and, $125 for a couple. Non CR is $100 per person and $150 per couple. Please bring the people you live with that are over 21 years old.

I have a few hand guns to rent if someone needs to use them for $10 + ammo.


Most people will spend 30-45 minutes on the firing line with me teaching and evaluating them one on one. I have worked with people who have never even touched a firearm, and taught them to qualify within this time. If more training is needed, we address it at that time. If someone does not meet the requirements at the range, they will be offered to train with me another time at no cost for them to me, they just cover the weapon and ammo they bring or rent from me. Once they meet the requirements, I sign their certificate and they are all set. Should they choose to not want to continue training, they may opt for a refund and go through someone else who is more lenient. Same goes for the written test; we will retrain another time and focus on the areas of concern. No one in my class has scored below a 90 on the open book written test. People have scored a 100% on the written test and not passed the range, requiring retraining. The dignity of those who need to retrain is protected. No one in the class knows who did or did not pass, unless everyone passes, and then it is open discussion.


Class starts at 8am and goes to 8pm in Johnstown, about 15 minutes from Easton. Please PM me or post here and I will save your seat. I look forward to working with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still a couple open seats.


I have guns to rent and the ammo. It's + $20 for the gun and ammo.


Please be sure to have clothing to stay warm. Temps are showing high 50's. We will be inside for the classroom, but outdoors to shoot. There will be water and drinks, we will do a quick lunch break. Feel free to bring snacks, there is a fridge and microwave as well.


Class starts at 8am. PM me for the address and to add your neame to the roster.

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Just wanted to say Niki and I took the class this past weekend and it was completely awesome.


Joe and Howard really know their stuff. They made sure everyone was completely comfortable from the get go. That was really a feat since I had only shot a few times before this and Niki maybe 2 or 3 times ever. Joe and Howard had an up hill battle from the start.


The shooting portion of the class was stellar. With just a few directions Howard had me shooting in a very tight group. It was high and to the left a little but still in the 10 ring. And it was consistent. What was even more amazing was how quickly they had Niki comfortable with a firearm. She genuinely had a good time shooting, and I attribute all of that completely to how at ease Joe and Howard made her feel when firing the gun.


For the tldr; people.


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Thanks Eric. Howard and I really appreciate it. You have a natural shooting skill, so your consistancy made it easy for the small corrrections needed. And I'm glad to hear you say Niki had fun shooting. She literally went from zero, to a very good shooter. In just 30 minutes.


In fact, everyone in this class was at the same experiance level. I asked early in the day to trust the coaching from Howard and I when we got on the range. Everyone did that. Several people shot 2" groups of 10 shots. And even the larger groups from shooters were only 4". I'll take that all day. It was a great group to work with.


CR, I have time in the first 2 weeks of November. If you want to put a class together with your friends and family, please let me know and I will set that time aside for you.



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