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Cat vs Reptile


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Used to be a panther in my brothers dads land in ky. It used to come down off the hills and into his barns. It actually attacked his dad while he was hunting once. Lucky he was able to fire a shot off and scare it away while only getting scratched up pretty bad. I seen it once from a good distance scary but amazing to see
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thus why I always carry when hiking... my .380 wont kill those little bastards in time to save me, but it's loud enough hopefully it will scare it away.


When I hunt I have either my 12g or .22lr, 9mm on my right hip, hunting knife on the left hip, pocket knife clipped on my right pocket, and ka-bar pack knife which rides on my left shoulder. Overkill? Probably. Most are used as tools for hunting/skinning, but it's good to know they're there.

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Bobcats are no worry. I've not only had run-ins with them and have had them on my property (not here of course), but I knew a couple who had some as pets. They are able to cross breed with domestic cats. In this case, I received two Siamese/Bobcat crosses from them. One of them was one of the most awesome cats I've ever had, the other would never tame up.


I've seen Cougar in the wild, and I've also tracked one that left fresh prints early one morning around the house and driveway at my grandfather's in Temecula, CA. Big fucker from the looks of the tracks. I followed quite far out into the desert and lost track. Whole time I kept thinking the bastard was just over a ridge watching me.

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I've seen Cougar in the wild, and I've also tracked one that left fresh prints early one morning around the house and driveway at my grandfather's in Temecula, CA. Big fucker from the looks of the tracks. I followed quite far out into the desert and lost track. Whole time I kept thinking the bastard was just over a ridge watching me.


Narrowly missed Darwin award?

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Narrowly missed Darwin award?


I was well kitted and it had been making itself too well-known around my grandfather's home. (Where he lived alone.)


Besides, if I were to stop doing everything that was possibly dangerous I'd have to lock myself up in a room with no... Well, with absolutely nothing, really. ;) I mean, that won't stop me from masturbating and possibly stroking out, pun intended, but what are you gonna do. *shrug*

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