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Is it Legal or Illegal?


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So my wife and I were taking my son for a walk in his new wagon... Down the street a guy was out in his garage and his dog (pit bull) Came out and b-lined for us... I'm not afraid of any certain dog, I infact love pitbull's and boxers which most are afraid of.


Well he came down and was sniffing us, so we just let him be for a few. Then he got close to my boy which I didnt like at all. I yelled to the guy to get his dog and no one came out. I told my wife to keep walking and I'll keep the dog away, but he kept getting close to my sons face. I yelled at it to leave, pushed it away from the wagon but he continued.


I finally was able to distract him away from the wagon as my wife kept walking.


The neighbor finally came out to look for his dog as his collar was going off since he is off property. (by now we were 4 houses away from his)


Being upset that he kept getting close to my son I warned him to keep his dog on his property and if he were to attack him or us his dog would have been put down.



Im trying to research if its legal to shoot a dog or not.


Honestly legal or not, I would have no problem shooting someone's dog that attacks me or my son.



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Being upset that he kept getting close to my son I warned him to keep his dog on his property and if he were to attack him or us his dog would have been put down.


Im trying to research if its legal to shoot a dog or not.

Yes it is. I just cited the ORC in another a thread a couple weeks ago. Bottom line is if the dog attacks or comes at you, the wife or your child in an aggressive or menacing manner, you can kill it. If it attacks your dog, just put yourself in the middle, take a bite on the arm and then shoot it. Fuck people who don't keep their dog on a leash or in a fenced yard.


I'll dig up the link.

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It is legal to shoot the dog to protect you or your family.


It is not legal to shoot a dog to protect your dog.

Yes it is. I just cited the ORC in another a thread a couple weeks ago. Bottom line is if the dog attacks or comes at you, the wife or your child in an aggressive or menacing manner, you can kill it. If it attacks your dog, just put yourself in the middle, take a bite on the arm and then shoot it. Fuck people who don't keep their dog on a leash or in a fenced yard.


I'll dig up the link.



Thank you!

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Thank you!



Ohio Revised Codes, § 955.28 Dog may be killed for certain acts; owner liable for damages.


(A) Subject to divisions (A)(2) and (3) of section 955.261 [955.26.1] of the Revised Code, a dog that is chasing or approaching in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, that attempts to bite or otherwise endanger, or that kills or injures a person or a dog that chases, injures, or kills livestock, poultry, other domestic animal, or other animal, that is the property of another person, except a cat or another dog, can be killed at the time of that chasing, approaching, attempt, killing, or injury. If, in attempting to kill such a dog, a person wounds it, he is not liable to prosecution under the penal laws which punish cruelty to animals.


(B) The owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog is liable in damages for any injury, death, or loss to person or property that is caused by the dog, unless the injury, death, or loss was caused to the person or property of an individual who, at the time, was committing or attempting to commit a trespass or other criminal offense on the property of the owner, keeper, or harborer, or was committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense against any person, or was teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog on the owner's, keeper's, or harborer's property.

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My girlfriend had a stray at her house causing problems with her dogs a couple weeks ago. I called the sheriff to see if I could shoot it since it was being aggressive, he said I could only do it if it were attacking livestock and I had to wait until the dog warden was available
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FWIW Rocky I'm with you 100%. This past Monday our neighbor's 7yr old was bit by a fucking poodle or some shit that the neighbors constantly let out off leash. I won't kill that little bastard but I will let our Part Pit Mix snap her in half if she runs up to him while walking him.


This is the second instance we've had with this dog so Tuesday several of us neighbors hand delivered the owners a letter/complaint noting all the times we've discussed this and we cc'd Animal Control in efforts to show we're serious and documenting things accordingly.

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Right, I assume you have been attacked by a dog before? Because I have, and no I am not tackling any dog.


I've had a doberman/lab mix come after me. No, I wouldn't go around just tackling dogs, but if it came down to me (or even worse my child) and a dog, that effer would get tackled or whatever it took to ensure our safety. Control the head/neck. It's all canines have to attack with.


Little bro's dog came at me once. As he lunged I swung as hard as I could and knocked him senseless for a bit. Never did it again. His teeth left a small puncture on my knuckle, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.


I love dogs and will NOT harm one unless out of necessity, but eff letting a dog eat your face off bath salt style just b/c it's a pet.


Not that you think this way, but most people are afraid of dogs when honestly a single dog can be handled by most. Not all, I understand, but most grown men, if necessary, could easily handle most dogs bare handed.


Sounds like you did the right thing. Kudos for keeping your cool.

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So, have you ever had a dog come after you? You did not answer his question...


At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.

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Not that it is the answer you are looking for but CCC 2327.11 states No owner of any animal shall permit such animal to run large on any property not his own.


Id photo it if it happens again with a camera phone, contact franklin county animal control to have the warden issue a citation and check the dog for current vaccinations.

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At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.


You idiot, a dog fight at a dog park has nothing to do with the situation I described.


Troll on :dumb:

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At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.


you have two minivans, I doubt that you have any of them left.

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Most dogs will leave you or your family alone if you yell bloody murder at it .


I have on more than several occasions yelled "no" and clapped really loud to deter a wondering dog. However, with one or two of our own usually barking it's sometimes difficult to get their focus over the two barking at them.

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