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Capitol locked down

Otis Nice

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From what I've heard:


Crazy woman rams gates at White House with car.

She's chased off by those resposible for chasing off crazies.

Shots fired.

She ditches car.

Gets caught.

Kid found in car.

(possibly got some of the order wrong)


Frankly, it's hardly news-worthy, IMO. *shrug*

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From what I've heard:


Crazy woman rams gates at White House with car.

She's chased off by those resposible for chasing off crazies.

Shots fired.

She ditches car.

Gets caught.

Kid found in car.

(possibly got some of the order wrong)


Frankly, it's hardly news-worthy, IMO. *shrug*


But but but guns and shots fired!!!! Guns are bad mmmkkayyyyyyy?

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I mean, people inside the capitol started hearing gunshots. That really seems like it should be hyper-mega-news, so you can understand why everyone went nuts over it.


Ends up it was just the cops shooting a crazy, so meh.


It's like that guy who crashed his plane into the White House back in the 90s. Holy shit! Plane crashes into White House! But it was a Cessna and he hit the lawn and died. Meh.

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It's pretty sad the way it seems to be taking shape.






I read some wild conspiracy theory about the woman being an Obama mistress, the child being his, and her "keep quiet money" was earmarked as something else that mistakenly suddenly stopped when the government shutdown hit. I have no belief in any of that, but it's fun entertainment to imagine I suppose.

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I believe it was a 1 year old. Still about as traumatic as it gets. This entire situation makes no sense. The woman either freaked the fuck out, or there's something not being said.


The intarwebs rumor mill is saying that the woman was Obama's mistress and that was his child, and that whatever form of hush money she was getting was cut off by the shutdown. I don't believe it for a minute, but it's still kind of hilarious to think about.

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In front of her kid. I understand the comments are coming "she shouldn't have run or do this or that) I get it. But fuck have some compassion for a 3-4 year old child. What did she do? What is worse to a child than losing a parent?


It was a 1 year old. At least he'll never remember it, but it does seem like an excessive use of force from the reports of what happened.

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It was a 1 year old. At least he'll never remember it, but it does seem like an excessive use of force from the reports of what happened.


The little girl being carried away was not the child? Because clearly that was a girl. You would be surprised what you remember when shit like this happens even at 1 YO.

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Well it certainly helps out the anti gun folks when they have occurrences like this that show the people who are trained to use guns dont know how to use them right. I can totally understand shooting at her if she was driving right at you but in the video it appears they dont start shooting until she drives away, at that point she doesnt seem like she was much of a threat to them.
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The little girl being carried away was not the child? Because clearly that was a girl. You would be surprised what you remember when shit like this happens even at 1 YO.


CNN report claims the child was 1 year old, and the father had filed a complaint last December when the child was 4 months old.

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