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Has anyone signed up on healthcare.gov? v. Serious


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. IF you believe the stats its 3%. Lets round that up to 10% . So for every LEECH there's 9 other people who really need the help.



According to the U.S. Department of Labor statistics website, based on the 2012 IPIA 3-Year average data report, fraud was prevalent in 2.67% of cases. [9] XML and XLS Unemployment Insurance data sheets released yearly available at: http://www.dol.gov/dol/maps/Data.htm


^ from the liberal wikipedia


It's a matter of semantics. Their definition of fraud is different than what most expect.


A 35 year old, with 5 kids, that is 150 lbs over weight, who is better off financially on the system than getting an entry level job, and decides to leech off the system isn't "fraud" in their eyes.


That person is included in the 9 out of 10 that "need" the help.

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It's a matter of semantics. Their definition of fraud is different than what most expect.


A 35 year old, with 5 kids, that is 150 lbs over weight, who is better off financially on the system than getting an entry level job, and decides to leech off the system isn't "fraud" in their eyes.


That person is included in the 9 out of 10 that "need" the help.


Fair enough, I've been trying to find some stats on abuse and I'm not finding anything useful atm. I wanna know the numbers on people who have never had a job and the number of kids and the length of time on the system.


I just don't think the abuse is as rampant as the rederic would leave you to believe.



Number of U.S. States where Welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. Teacher 8


Edited by Thorne
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There have been scores of news stories over the years about Walmart and the low job standards that rendered much of its workforce eligible for Medicaid. The U.C. Berkeley Labor Center crunched the numbers in 2004 and found that Walmart workers’ reliance on public assistance programs cost California taxpayers $86 million annually. The families of Walmart workers used 38 percent more non-health benefits—food stamps, subsidized school lunches—than the families of employees of other large retailers.





Do you consider those to be abuse? These people are working full time jobs. I also learned that the majority of welfare recipients are children.



Interesting Read.


Not trying to hate on walmart, This was the only descent numbers regarding "abuse" i could find.




interesting read about welfare.




Our largest recipient is children. Sadly we can't read this until our Goverment reboots

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Do you consider those to be abuse? These people are working full time jobs. I also learned that the majority of welfare recipients are children.



I consider these to be flaws in the current system. History would paint a picture showing that in times when the safety nets were lowered, people would naturally do what it takes to survive. I think many of these recipients are complacent. There is no incentive to take the next step up. If they get a job making a little more, with some benefits, then they lose the government assistance. So why bother making the lateral move?


I really think the largest problem lies with the government and the people writing legislation on things that they don't understand. Watch senate hearings, or congressional meetings and it's clear we aren't represented by the most intelligent of our population. (there are a few exceptions to that statement)


Let's face it, the whole system is broken. From top to bottom and side to side. Frustration from every end leads to everyone bickering and garnering hate towards people with opposing views. It just feeds into the vicious cycle.

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It's not even worth arguing because your right about what you just said.


The only point I am trying to make is that just because I don't make much money and come in under the poverty line doesn't mean I don't work hard. I dig in and get my hands dirty.


When I'm not working as a full time Landscape Construction Forman I give up my Saturdays and Sundays to make a little extra cash picking up odd jobs, I bust my ass to have what I do; Zero debt, a truck, a place to rent, and food in my mouth. I can't afford health insurance nor did my company suplly it. But I damn well better not be turned away because I don't have it. I will set up a payment plan with the billing office and I will pay my bill off. I've never filled for unemployment between seasonal jobs and have never taken advandage of anything. Yet these healthcare threads are makeing me feel as though I'm one of these lazy, self loathing, overweight americans, for the simple fact that I can't supply myself with health insurance.


You are the exception and not the rule. The reason I enjoy working at a non-profit hospital. When someone like you is in need of an elective surgery, I push to make it happen. Our hospital has a system (community care) where they pick up the whole cost for an elective surgery. Regardless, if someone with nothing comes in with a broken arm, appendicitis, etc, they get taken care of. Sure, they might get a bill. Where do you mail a bill when the patient has no ID, claims their name is Phil mccraken, and gives you a non-existent address.


Unfortunately, for every hard working American like you, who deserves affordable healthcare, there are literally 100, who come into the er 10 times a year at $2k per visit with bullshit complaints. These people have no job, no ambition, and suck the system dry. They will be the death of this country if we don't start holding them accountable for their own needs.


And as far as people using the new system appropriately for preventive care? Never going to happen. A dirtbag drug addict with free healthcare is still a dirtbag drug addict. The only way to change people is to take shit away from them, and make them work for it. It's never going to happen. When was the last time you saw some toothless fat pig in the checkout of Walmart telling her baby-daddy that she really needs to work on lowering her LDL cholesterol?

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It's not even worth arguing because your right about what you just said.


The only point I am trying to make is that just because I don't make much money and come in under the poverty line doesn't mean I don't work hard. I dig in and get my hands dirty.


When I'm not working as a full time Landscape Construction Forman I give up my Saturdays and Sundays to make a little extra cash picking up odd jobs, I bust my ass to have what I do; Zero debt, a truck, a place to rent, and food in my mouth. I can't afford health insurance nor did my company suplly it. But I damn well better not be turned away because I don't have it. I will set up a payment plan with the billing office and I will pay my bill off. I've never filled for unemployment between seasonal jobs and have never taken advandage of anything. Yet these healthcare threads are makeing me feel as though I'm one of these lazy, self loathing, overweight americans, for the simple fact that I can't supply myself with health insurance.


Ben, I hope you did not think any of my previous posts were directed at you. Personally, I applaud you for chasing your dream and making it work. One of my points is that I wish more people would follow your lead and take ownership of their bills and pay them off.


No insurance? Not a problem. Get your treatment, establish a realistic payment plan and pay off your debt. This really shouldn't be that difficult of a concept to grasp yet the system is flooded by people that do the exact opposite, which is a direct and main reason the cost of our countries care is so expensive.


And as far as people using the new system appropriately for preventive care? Never going to happen. A dirtbag drug addict with free healthcare is still a dirtbag drug addict. The only way to change people is to take shit away from them, and make them work for it. It's never going to happen.


You don't need to make it appear that it is only drug addicts that abuse the system. I hear a new, firsthand experience every day about patients that abuse the system and refuse to do anything they are told by the doctor. Because they know they will receive treatment regardless of their payment history or medical history, they will continue to fuck the system and fuck their health.


The drug addict stories just make me laugh and wish more and more that they were allowed to be denied treatment.


Nothing will get better until our society as a whole stops their feelings of entitlement and takes care of themselves. This all begins with your parents and your upbringing.


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To me, regardless of abuse of the system or not, does anyone here actually want that type of lifestyle?


Honestly, I bitch all the time about people getting shit handed to them and stuff, but look at the life they live. Do you think any of them have extremely nice houses or cars?


Bottom line, let them leach off the system. At the end of the day, we are productive members of society and there is some honor in that to me. I don't want their lifestyle and those that do, fuck it.

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To me, regardless of abuse of the system or not, does anyone here actually want that type of lifestyle? Honestly, I bitch all the time about people getting shit handed to them and stuff, but look at the life they live. Do you think any of them have extremely nice houses or cars?


of course not but they don't care. to most who milk the system, they have accepted their shit lives as just that and blame the rest of us for their situation. excuses are never ending.


Bottom line, let them leach off the system. At the end of the day, we are productive members of society and there is some honor in that to me. I don't want their lifestyle and those that do, fuck it.


no thanks. it's 2013 and more than ever we need to begin to raise the bar and begin holding people accountable by making them earn more of what they have and in many cases redirecting the aid they get to align with what the real goals are and that is not to have cable TV, cell phones and other creature comfy's. handing out money cart-blanch is ridiculous and should be for limited time frames.

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