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The whore FC


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If the pics are big, I dunno what happened or whats going on. I am not a cpu guy.


Basically I got this car on the cheap. It had no motor or trans in it. Just the stock FC rear end and interior. The motor I got for it was a "blown up" but not actually blown up 5.3L. Basically it came out of a truck and the passenger side cat clogged up so bad that it ended up having the carbon back up and lock the rings into the pistons. So on the passenger side it 0 compression. It was a freebie. I pulled the whole thing apart, re-ringed it and cleaned up the block. Put all stock parts back in the block with the exception of arp rod bolts. Stock heads, intake, Throttle body. 80# injectors. -10an feed and return. Fuel lab inline pump good for 1300hp on gas. I guess around 7-800 on E85 which I run. I grabbed one of Chads ceramic 76mm turbos. Got a china front mount kit. Picked up used tial 44 gates for cheap. TH400 trans, another freebie with a precision 3800 convertor. Put a RMVB in the trans with a brake. Camshaft is a 23X cam on a 112. It was basically a freebie so I tossed it in. I dunno how it will like boost but I will find out. If it doesnt work, I change it out. Also used a PSI wiring harness to wire everything in. These are really nice harnesses.



Motor and trans in



Turbo mounted



Fuel cell






Basically done minus some wiring and other small things



Dat exhaust






Here is the car as it goes down the road.



The car will be getting tuned this coming saturday. Hoping to see around 600rwhp from it. So far I havent really gotten on it to much. It just has a start up and idle tune basically. It goes lean when I get on it so I am not trying to kill it yet. Its funny with the exhaust like that, if the passenger window is open, the exhaust heat rolls into the car. Once its tuned, I will dick off with it until winter then I am gonna toss in a 8.8 rear end with a 3.08 gear or something close to that. Piece together a decent brake system for it and get the dash all put back together. Also the blue and red wire loom is a joke.




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P.S. I love how people like D. Wiggs take 14 years and $2.5 million dollars and still can't get a vid of a project car driving under its own power and yet you have people like Sam who build a car in a weekend and have vids of it driving down the street.
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very cool. you make it sound easy enough, but i have to imagine there's some reasonable fabrication to getting the turbo piping, mounts, electrical, trans fitment, etc etc. almost sounds easy enough for me to consider attempting a project like this.



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  kirks5oh said:
very cool. you make it sound easy enough, but i have to imagine there's some reasonable fabrication to getting the turbo piping, mounts, electrical, trans fitment, etc etc. almost sounds easy enough for me to consider attempting a project like this.




If your seriously interested in swapping a car, its not as bad as you think, there are a bunch of options on engine cradles (mostly for lsx motors) and the transmissions (though in most cases a little fabrication is still needed, like mounting the radiator for example). Check out http://www.norotors.com, they have mostly rx-7's but have other swapped cars as well (a couple rx-8's and I think I saw a bmw on there that someone was ls swapping once).

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