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Every now and then you see something that just strikes you as a perfect example of genius.


We just got these in at work:



It uses multiple bent rods to create a 90 degree transmission. No gears. I can't stop playing with this thing.. It has got to be one of the coolest ideas I've seen in a long time.

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Neat idea but I can't think of any time I would need something like that. It's in the same shape as just a ratchet with a short extension..


Except you don't always have room to spin the ratchet.


I can't think of any time I would need one either, but for a mechanic it's one of those things that can be the difference between 10 minutes of cursing and 30 seconds of rummaging around for that one tool that will solve the problem.

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I'll be in to get some at that price. You may be able to do most everything without that tool, but the one time that would come in handy it makes me money. These kind of things in my toolbox can be really nice to have.

This, for 12 bucks its a bet that has a lot of upside.

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This is one of neat tools I've discovered in the past year that's come in rather handy.




One of those saved my ass not too long ago. Had to borrow from the neighbor though.

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