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little remodeling project


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I know this isn't a garage or a man-cave, but I absolutely suck at construction so this is about as good as it gets. There's a door in my upstairs hallway that leads to this little storage room/attic access. We have a whole basement for storage so when we bought the place, I figured I'd turn it into a little playroom for the kids.


(I'm also terrible at documenting my progress.)


Here's what I started with, after I cleaned it out and gutted it. The "walls" were this terrible mid-century fiber board, it was like working with fiberglass. Also, there was a bunch of fiberglass. You can still see some of the (sagging) fiber board in the ceiling.




It kicks out to the left by the window there, the length of that back section is about 6 and a half feet.




I had to frame out the ceiling and build in an attic door, plus I added some framing to the walls where I felt it was required. I added some plywood to even out the roughly hewn floorboards and to remove one of the "steps" up to the smaller area. Lastly, overhead lighting and a power outlet.




And yadda yadda yadda, here it is now:




I still need to clean up and repaint all the exterior part of the window here, but it's all lead paint so for right now I've chained the window so it will barely open. I love that in 1926, a crawlspace got its own window.




I first gutted it in January 2012, but it was always low priority. I finally got sick of it and pushed myself to finish it up these past two weekends. Couldn't be happier that it's done. Could be happier with how it turned out, but the kids like it.

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Love it. Very creative.


Why not a small slide on that little entrance? The ladder I expected (or something similar) but seeing the built in little climbing wall is genius and made me think of what else could be done.


Not dissing this AT ALL. I think it's awesome.

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Did you use lead paint as a choice ? Or was that a type?


The original paint for all exterior window/door trim in my house is lead. Most of it has been painted over 10 times so the lead is well hidden, but that window has never been cared for. The paint has mostly weathered away, but I need to chip the rest of it off and repaint it.


Why not a small slide on that little entrance? The ladder I expected (or something similar) but seeing the built in little climbing wall is genius and made me think of what else could be done.


The ladder is from the Bunk and Loft Factory (free plug!), and I'd actually ordered a slide from them as well. The guy tried to talk me out of it because it'd be too steep. I told him my kids weren't pussies and ordered it anyway, but armed with the actual slide measurements I calculated the angle and it'd be waaay too steep to be fun. (There's a door at the bottom there so there's not much room). The climbing blocks were my wife's idea after we nixed the slide.


Thanks for the kind words everyone! I assure you if you saw it in person you'd point and laugh at the shoddy quality. :)

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