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Reality Check for CR and myself.


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First video and article I doubt many will actual sit through



Second video some may have already seen, but many will not watch either because it doesn't have cats in it.






I will argue that almost all of CR falls in the 8 out 10 group. Maybe a few are barely outside of the 8 out of 10. Still consider yourself middle class? I don't consider my family middle class anymore. I work and so does my wife. We pay our taxes, but it's time to cut into the pockets of rich Americans and corporations, they can afford it.

Since CR likes pics more than words:







Look at the Depression era:


Then look at the present.



keep bitching about poor people getting $1500 in food stamps when conservative rural America receives $20k on average in "welfare" in this area of Louisiana.



Shit is broken and almost all of CR falls in the bottom 7% of America, including myself and family.


Racisim is alive and well all over America.


Ask yourself next time how far removed you are from someone you perceive to be "poor". I'll argue you are not that far ahead. Only a few here are.


Flame away CR, it's the internet.

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And you fall into the category of not watching the video, before posting. Thanks for giving it a chance before posting.


Quite the contrary, I've watched in twice now.


For a child to go "They have more than me, gimme" is one thing. You expect that the parents will explain to them how the world works, and you must work for what you want. For an adult to say it, is quite frankly disgusting and appalling.


If you want it, work for it.

Let those people above you serve as a goal to reach for, not as people to hate and envy.

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3 min into the first vid shows a "starving" kid with an ipod/iphone. 90% of what's wrong with people today who struggle with money is simply living outside of there means and poor money management, and that can happen to people who earn 200k/year just as easy as those making 30k.
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I can't see the info right now as I don't have good data at work, so there may be some good info, but....

Why does your money need to come from the rich? It may be difficult, but you can still bust your ass in this country and make some serious money. It may not be easy, and not much fun, but if you want to rise above the lower middle Class then you have to work harder.

Not a knock to anyone, I just still believe that I can work hard and achieve what I want regardless how much of it the government wants to take.

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BTW I'm ok stating I'm not educated enough to solve the issues, or smart enough to understand everything. But it's hard to ignore some facts put in front of you. I don't claim to be an expert in anyway shape or form.


My Opinion is it's disgusting 2 out of every 10 people in this country hold 93% of the wealth. I'm not going to argue in this thread, my goal here is to maybe have some small percentage of members here just watch the long videos and think about them. That is all.

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My Opinion is it's disgusting 2 out of every 10 people in this country hold 93% of the wealth. I'm not going to argue in this thread, my goal here is to maybe have some small percentage of members here just watch the long videos and think about them. That is all.


NOW I see you backing down. Figured that would come about (what happened to "flame on"?). Go to the "other" Cars and Coffee event and see how well that message is received. :lol:


From the article:


"Personal choice, including her decision to have so many children, plays a role in it, of course, but the choices in front of her are limited by a host of factors, including an income that won't support her family."


Personal choice also got her the fuzzy dice and 4 air fresheners in her 2005 Ford Taurus.














Kids out of wedlock? Drugs? Crime? Are these poor choices or accidents? Where does personal responsibility come into play?


Ben? Seriously, I'm asking for your opinion...

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BTW I'm ok stating I'm not educated enough to solve the issues, or smart enough to understand everything. But it's hard to ignore some facts put in front of you. I don't claim to be an expert in anyway shape or form.


My Opinion is it's disgusting 2 out of every 10 people in this country hold 93% of the wealth. I'm not going to argue in this thread, my goal here is to maybe have some small percentage of members here just watch the long videos and think about them. That is all.


Why does this disgust you? If you want your piece, take it. Granted, some people have a much easier time than others, but often that's because someone in their lineage did work hard, or made a good investment. I'm sorry yours didn't, neither did mine. But I hope to change that for my children and grandchildren.

I'll tell you right now , the way to make that happen isn't "redistribution" of wealth By the government!

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I don't consider anyone who can afford kids, a brand new STI and every fucking thing Apple has ever made poor, or close to it.


Quick background, I have Apple products, yes, but it's all from 2008. Where we lived way below our means and had the cash. I have the original iPad, original AppleTV, Time Capsule and MacBook Airs. The only updated Apple product I own is my phone. I spend $200 a year on Apple hardware. My first STI took 6 years to pay off and died in an accident 25 days after pay off, didn't even have the title shipped to me yet. I then had almost a 50% down payment for my second one. Sorry yeah I'm not blowing cash, and we have no Credit card debit. I have retirement, house and college funds as bills along with the obvious bills.

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Nobody wants to talk about education part from the video? It doesn't disturb anyone that in that LA town there are 2 schools one private, one public, Panthers and Rebels? Really? One graduates 100% the other less than 75% and there are no scholarships available to attend the private school. K


Let's be honest who watched the CNN video... There are some pretty fucked places in this country. That place in LA is unbelievable.

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Or it's time for you to work harder.


I'd argue would it benefit my children to take a second job or go to college part time for 5-8 years during their development? There's a line you have to draw. My opinion is no, I would rather raise my children to think family time is more important and invest in them. Again My family isn't starving, but we are far from the 20% of Americans. We are further to the right of the 80 percent than most. That I will agree. I'm fine with our situation, I am responsible, I'm not complaining I want more money, I want a better distribution of wealth for America. the country would benefit as a whole not a very few.

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I'm more for cooperate America paying their share not really individuals, CEOs make too much for their share of work, and out sourcing should go away. I recall an Average CEO of a Fortune 500 company makes 356 times what the Average worker makes in the same company, not the janitor, the average paid employee. I don't think the CEO does that much more work.


I'm not smart enough to understand everything and many here whether they admit it or not are not either. I just see how fucked it is. I have no answers except maybe start treating EVERYONE like a human being with faults, we all have them.

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