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Cota is an awesome track to visit. We went to watch the v8 super cars in may, and loved it!

I recommend buying general admission, there are a lot of good places to post up in the grass. (Especially for those who are easily mobile)

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I hope Vettel takes it. I'm more of a Newey fan, but I like Vettel as a driver too. 4 world championships and he still appreciates every win.


The COTA track proved to be a great track last year with the drivers almost unanimously calling it one of their favorites. I hope this year, and the years to come, are as sucessful.


Outside F1, COTA's management has proven to be pretty cool also. Not just for bringing in racing series' that wouldn't normally feature in the US (Aussie V8 Supercars, and I think one of the Touring Car championships too) but for also renting the track for club events too. I'm glad they don't think they are "above" regular enthusiasts. I'd LOVE to go to a track day on COTA.


I'm looking forward to the race this weekend.

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I'll be attending with Christian (ImUrOBGYN). Free passes since my bank helped finance construction. Woot!! Shoot me a text this weekend if you want to have a mini CR meet. 281-686-6365.


I'll be there with GergWheel. We planned to head down Friday. Got to show him a little bit of Texas and 6th street in Austin first.

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While it's due to surgery it's more due to him NOT. Getting paid and he said fuck you I'm going to get my back fixed on your time not ferraris


Correct but he found a creative way of doing it without just not showing up. Having a medical "reason" gives him an out and some hope of collecting the 15 million they reportedly owe him.

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My brother is going...lucky bastard. Oh well, I'll try for next year, should be more exciting with the new engines and driver changes anyway. Or skip COTA and go to the NJ race.


I keeping my expectations of the NJ race low. They're setting their sights REALLY high, trying to promote it as the next Monte Carlo. Then they also want it to be the greenest track on the calendar. All this in a state that's not exactly known for getting stuff done on-budget and on-time.


It's not like they can just use the existing roads either. The existing crowns are too high for F1 cars, so they won't even be able to save budget/time on the roads as they'll have to repave the entire track area. Between the track, facilities, outlying parking, and the transit system to get spectators to the track, there are a LOT of pies out there for people to stick their fingers into. I will be surprised if the NJ track is ready for next year, and shocked if it gets favorable reviews.

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Texas is big enough for F1 :)

I agree. My other worry is the proposed track further west (New Mexico? I forget) making too many in the US. Three tracks in the US would likely mean Bernie would rotate the tracks each year like the Germany Grand Prix. That would mean less profits for all of the tracks. Let's hope Bernie can find room in the schedule for two US tracks.

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I'm surprised all the bible humping hillbillies in texas are even aware of f1.


"Ferraris are for queermosexuals."

"Why aren't they racin dodge trucks?"

"The cars are too small to hold my .45 and tall boy"



We ain't as backwards here as some may think. Austin is far from the typical Texas that folks think. Not everyone has a horse, cattle or a ranch. But, I will say most own a nice pair of boots. :cool:

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btw.....i can't stand Vettel winning all the damn time!


It's one thing if you can't stand him winning all the time because you want some variety, but there's so much hate for RBR/Vettel specifically that I don't understand. He's an insanely good driver with an insanely good team, and I think what RBR is doing is going to make the entire sport more competitive.

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It's one thing if you can't stand him winning all the time because you want some variety


Yeah, totally.


but there's so much hate for RBR/Vettel specifically that I don't understand.


Clearly you do understand it, you just explained it. I like Vettel as a person and as a driver, but ever since the tire change after Silverstone, he's made what might have been an interesting year into a dreadful bore. Sure, on some level I know it's not his fault, but when he takes P1 from Webber at Abu Dhabi and then proceeds to lead for the rest of the race, a race which is already pointlessly irrelevant because he effectively locked up the championship like 3 months ago, I can't help that I'm watching the TV going "fuck that guy."

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Yeah, totally.




Clearly you do understand it, you just explained it. I like Vettel as a person and as a driver, but ever since the tire change after Silverstone, he's made what might have been an interesting year into a dreadful bore. Sure, on some level I know it's not his fault, but when he takes P1 from Webber at Abu Dhabi and then proceeds to lead for the rest of the race, a race which is already pointlessly irrelevant because he effectively locked up the championship like 3 months ago, I can't help that I'm watching the TV going "fuck that guy."


I guess I just don't get it because I never really felt that was the case with Schumacher. Dude was a dominant driver, even more so than Vettel, and I never was under the impression that anyone hated him for making races uninteresting.


Rather, I hate everyone else in the field for allowing themselves to be so thoroughly out-driven, out-engineered, out-everythinged. It's easy to hate one person for being great, it's a bit tougher to be critical of everyone else for not trying to reach the new bar that's been set. IMO that's what's gotten Ferrari to the pathetic position they're in now.


EDIT: Hate is a strong word. I really do love Kimi and Alonso, because I don't feel they are unrealistic drivers. A lot of guys are idiots, like Perez or Old Grosjean (New Grosjean is finally driving like a grownup, I like him).

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It's easy to hate one person for being great


You keep answering your own confusion. F1 is basically just reality TV that happens to involve "racing" expensive cars, and every show needs a villain. Subconsciously, impulsively, instinctively, that's Vettel. He's the stereotypical cocky blonde kid from every '80s movie ever.*



*At least, in my version of reality, he is.

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You keep answering your own confusion. F1 is basically just reality TV that happens to involve "racing" expensive cars, and every show needs a villain. Subconsciously, impulsively, instinctively, that's Vettel. He's the stereotypical cocky blonde kid from every '80s movie ever.*



*At least, in my version of reality, he is.


Oh I know, I just followed it by saying I don't remember the type of vitriol Vettel sees being heaped on Schumi.

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